11 thoughts on “Make me cry!

  1. You can always put a pinch between tooth and gum …

    I’m the early bird at our office, so I am the person who loads up the pot and gets it going so those who drink can get their fix immediately on entering office.

  2. When you’re desperate for coffee make it on the stove. Jeez.

    Evil Franklin

    • Last year, after my third electric drip coffee maker in the previous six years died just after the warranty had expired, I bought a small stove top coffee maker. Not ever going own another electric coffee maker.

  3. Lessee. I count ten different ways to heat water here, from kitchen range to woodstove, RV trailer, camp stove(s), backpacking stoves, sideburner on the grill. And the two electric machines in the kitchen. Wife uses Keurig, I use a cheap small perc. The last time my perc died–switch crumped–I went to the garage pantry and got another one out, new-in-box, there’s still another one behind it. Yeah, they’re chinesium crap, but they were under $10 when I bought them.
    As to the ways to make it, I lost count. Electric machines, stovetop percs, filter cones, fwench press, even my mother’s antique Proctor-Silex vacuum perc.
    For coffee in storage, we may not be ready for the ‘pockyclips, but we’re good for a very long time if resupply gets iffy.

  4. Cowboy coffee.
    Make it on the stove, grill, camp fire.
    Anywhere, anytime.

    (and that picture of you crying is really pathetic)

  5. Another vote for bailing on the auto-drip machines. I got tired of replacing them, and got a Chemex. Also have a french press and a vacuum pot. I’m curious to try a Moka pot.

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