11 thoughts on “Love me some Lawnmower gas!

  1. yup, that’s the good stuff !!!
    sleep well, you’ll need it in the morning. PS- one ounce the next morning with your coffee and a good breakfast is the cure.

  2. 3 shots of moonshine once convinced 33 year old me to have my 21 year old female friend call a 38 year old married female acquaintance, in a terribly unsuccessful attemp to get them into my bed at the same time because i was so drunk from having 1/2 bottle of wine for breakfast.

    I don’t drink any more.

  3. When I first moved to Georgia many years ago one of the first things that happened was an underage girl offering me a jar of moonshine. When I look back at a fairly adventurous life that was one of the most dangerous situations I’ve ever been in. I ran away.

  4. My friend’s Grandfather used to make his own cough medicine and told us “It works very good, as long as you don’t get that cough to often”.

    • I just bought it and consumed it. I got it back when I lived in Alabama from good old boys up in the hills and hollows of southern, eastern part of the south. They distilled some fine hooch… They had peach, raspberry and blackberry and of course some applejack.

  5. Years ago, I was catching shrimp at the mouth of the Ogeechee in GA. Old man stumbled up with a jar and wanted to try my net. He could hardy stand up. Couple of tosses and he was done.

  6. I have a cottage in western North Carolina that is a quiet vacation home. One of the neighbors made shine in his basement. I mentioned the spell of sour mash and he offered me a couple jars. He would fill a Mason jar 2/3 full of fruits, berries, or citrus then top it off with shine. The lemondrop was my favorite. I would put a cube of ice in a shot glass and add the booze. When the ice melted it could be sipped. I called it liquid stupidity. Too bad he passed away a few years back.

  7. The stuff I make is called, ‘The George Floyd Shine’ given that you take a sip, and the reaction is, “I can’t breathe”…. I warn folks (the few I actually trust) to be careful.

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