LMAO! The Very First Day And She Is Doomed Already!

Good luck with that bitch.

Official estimate of guns in united states

Based on the provided search results, here are the key findings:

  • Total number of privately owned firearms: Approximately 393 million (Small Arms Survey estimate)
  • Guns per capita: 120 guns for every 100 Americans (Small Arms Survey estimate)
  • Breakdown by type: 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns (2009 estimate)
  • Estimated total number of firearms available to civilians: 310 million (2009 estimate)
  • Long-term trend: The civilian gun stock has roughly doubled since 1968, from one gun per every two persons to one gun per person

Note that these estimates vary slightly across different sources, but they all point to a significant number of privately owned firearms in the United States.


Just since Obama was installed, every single year after that broke a new record for background checks and guns sold.

A closer estimate at this point would easily be 500 million guns.

Not to mention over a Trillion rounds of ammunition for the guns already in existence.

And this dumb bitch thinks she is going to get an “Assault Weapons Ban” before next January?

Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

14 thoughts on “LMAO! The Very First Day And She Is Doomed Already!

  1. Red flag laws, not to be used for assassins being discovered on a roof 130 yards away from our President.

  2. Once again, it has been demonstrated that too many people fail to understand the concept of being responsible for their actions and words.

  3. Back in ’11 or ’12, there was a guy who blogged as Hognose at a place called Weapons Man. Unfortunately, Kevin passed away some time ago, but his archives live on at https://weaponsman.com/category/kevins-archive/

    Point of all that is Kevin did a well-researched series on “how many guns are there in the US?” using stats on imports, as well as production numbers. He had come to the conclusion that was well beyond what we usually see. Think over 800 million. Again, that was around a decade ago, so for sure it has to be pushing 1 billion by now. If not more.

  4. As I have said from time to time, “You will shit and fall back in it.”

    She, like Biden, hasn’t been paying attention to recent SCOTUS rulings.

    But I’m not surprised that she started with this, right out of the box.

  5. Campaign finance irregularities are now raising their ugly heads, the GOP is taking Kameltoe’s campaign to task! You can’t just “transfer ” money from Joe to Kameltoe, it’s against Federal Election rules!

    Of course, rules don’t matter to the Marxists running the Democrap Party now, does it?!

  6. 7 decades of trips around the sun, and “the beat goes on” before every election… this fellatrix believes that repeating the same ridiculous “ain’t never going to happen” statements that “they” have been “moo-ing” about for years. “Red flag laws” are unconstitutional”; you cannot be punished and lose rights because of what another person “thinks”.
    “Universal Background checks” are simply buzzwords for the ignorant electorate. And the biggest bullshit of all – an “assault weapons ban”… define “assault weapon” you stupid splittail. Once you realize you don’t even know what an assault weapon is, perhaps realize that the quickest way to find out, is to try and take them… you will be “shown”, most assuredly.

  7. On the one hand, these people are so Delusional it’s Funny, but on the other hand, they are entirely Stupid enough to continue down the path to a Bosnia x Rwanda (un)Civil War, that will result in the Complete Destruction of not only the ‘government’ that protects them, but the very Society that they currently have ‘control of’.

    Count me In….

  8. When I have tired of an idiot attempting to promulgate hate and discontent, and I knuckle massage their proboscis at high velocity, it can be defined as an assault.
    Erego, summation provides my hands are assault weapons.

  9. Same old tired Demonrat trope: I’mma takes all de guns.

    Yah good luck with that. Kamala, supposedly a lawyer by trade, has apparently never heard of the Second Amendment.

  10. 5:21 (King James version): “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.”

    “There are none so blind as those who will not see” (Jonathan Swift).

    There is much truth in those phrases. Kamala really doesn’t believe guns are a huge problem. I doubt she could recite any statistical data (guns vs. overdoses, auto accidents, homicides by other means, etc.), just like I do not believe the majority of Americans are anti-gun. This is the tactic of repeating the lie long enough until people begin to believe it and call for change. In this case the change will be “we must ban firearms”. She is only repeating what she has been instructed to convey. I too believe her mouth will seal her fate as failure. Never give up the guns!

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