24 thoughts on “Lisa Marie Pressley, 1968-2023

  1. I bet she had the clot shot and one those large rubbery clots hit her heart. Kids as young as kindergarteners are suddenly falling dead.

  2. Nah. No way. Didn’t die of the jab. Nope, you anti-vaxxers are once again trying to say the “vaccine” kills people!

    No way.

  3. There are A LOT of people dying suddenly and of mysterious reasons. I think people are beginning to wake up, though it is far too late in the game.

    54 is way too young to die – I feel sorry for her Mom. Not good at all to bury your kid, let along your spouse as well.

  4. …and MSM news sources are trying to deflect any concern over what may have caused her heart attack by commenting that she “appeared frail” at her recent appearance at the Golden Globes.

  5. Priscilla was quite the looker back in the day (looks like way too much plastic surgery now, trying to stay looking young). Elvis was, well, quite handsome. But Lisa Marie? Never really saw a pic where she looked good. Maybe trailer park hot (she definitely had that trailer park vibe), but not nearly as good looking as her parents. IDK. A shame to die that young, but who knows. Lots of mysterious deaths lately, but like jews committing sex crimes, it’s a total coincidence and we’re not supposed to notice it.

    • She had her dad’s beady little pig eyes. Always creeped me out.
      Clot shot, maybe. But, other comorbidities: known drug and alcohol abuse, genetic predisposition to early heart attacks.

  6. The MRNA accelerates any weakness. People who are disposed to heart attacks will have them sooner. Cancer will come back with a vengeance.

    Going to be a interesting year.

    • There’s articles online by Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Ryan Cole that they’re seeing patients with cancer who’ve been in remission for 2,3,4,5 years are now at Stage 4. The Docs say what they have in common is the first two jabs and a one, if not two, boosters.

  7. Going to be many more of these “unexpected” deaths. At least the jabs are thinning the dumb fucks out of the gene pool. I used to feel bad for them, but after two years of telling us we should be shamed, banned from public life and incarcerated they can all fuck off and die.

  8. Great life story though. Daughter of the King. Life was a better time when he was alive.

    • “To be informed about how best to protect ourselves and our loved ones is the smartest thing we can do. I chose the vaccine.”
      — 12 March 2022, Lisa Marie Presley

  9. I don’t recall ever hearing her sing.

    OTOH, R.I.P. Jeff Beck and Robbie Bachman.

    And, speaking of riding daddy’s coat-tails, Robbie Knievel too.

  10. 58 and still smoking and drinking, and I bet I outlive most of these younger accepters of the prick.

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