8 thoughts on “Lifted from Midwest Chick, says it all. Where are the countries that received aid from us sending us aid?

  1. Albemarle is the company keenly aware of the lithium deposits in NC.

    BlackRock Inc.’s Strategic Acquisition of Albemarle Corp Shares:

    = link = https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2522369/blackrock-incs-strategic-acquisition-of-albemarle-corp-shares

    Who BR’s Chairman and CEO? Larry Fink.

    Here’s a video of how local towns people feel about Albemarle, video is 3mins+ but if you want you can ignore the last 90 seconds that’s a promo for InfoWars.


    But by Gawd if BR was Halliburton, the LEFTISTS, Centrists and Uniparty would be having online meltdowns.

    No country we give foreign aid to is going to be donating to the US disaster areas. These foreign countries are waiting and hoping for America’s collapse. To think otherwise is delusional.

    • So, the sentiment is there, could be photoshopped too and I don’t care, it’s the message that counts! The little girl and the puppy seem to have the correct number of fingers…

    • You’re absolutely right Karen,
      It is an AI fake, but there are tens of thousands of real pictures showing the despair amid the destruction.

  2. 750 billion (or near enough) for Ukraine.
    750 bucks apiece for Appalachians.

    That ought to be running on TV 24/7.

    Damn them to the lowest circle of Hell.

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