11 thoughts on “Lifebringer

  1. Off topic, sorry, I was just wondering if Deathray has a blog and where is it? I searched under the Deathray name and got a cat picture and “This blog has expired” from wordpress.

    • Nemo, no I don’t have a personal blog.
      I visit a handful and if I comment I’m mostly being a wisecracker and making a bad attempt at being funny.
      Oh well I get to at least laugh at myself.

  2. Same thing here. A couple of big ones left from last year that we replanted; just starting to open the flower spikes.

  3. Nope. Little female. They all are. Ants too.

    Drones only exist to fertilize the new queen.

    Female black widow is in charge too.

    Seeing a pattern?

    Europe is having one.

    • Yup! people don’t realize how interconnected and our reliance on other animals; insect, mammals, reptiles to be able to live and reproduce.

  4. I have a hive in an unused chimney on the side of my creepy church house, been honeybees in it for many years. I have an apple orchard and 150 or so blueberry plants. It’s weird, sometimes I see a ton out when stuff is blossoming, sometimes only a few.

  5. Hey Phil, can you please put some ink into your’puter? Your pics are not displayed, or is my iPhone too old too?

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