13 thoughts on “Let’s see them do that with mayo!

  1. I tried mayo in a squirt jar once. Didn’t work well. The opening was a narrow rectangle, and mayo is the wrong consistency for squirting anyway.

  2. WTF is ‘musterd;? Is it anything like mustard? It’s estimated that the average adult has a vocabulary of fewer than 1000 words – and these days it seems like the average adult can’t spell half of them.

  3. I bet that most welders know how to spell mustard. And YES, it does matter. Spelling mistakes mean that you don’t want to forward the meme lest b others think that YOU don’t know how to spell, punctuate, etc.

  4. If it looks like that when it had been applied upside down, you are a TRUE welder!

    Watched a guy stick weld a 6″ pipe at a Conoco Refinery in Billings MT do the whole pipe in one go, you couldn’t tell where he swapped out the old stick with a new one – he was that smooth. And the weld looked like a machine had done it, too! He was well worth what they were paying him.

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