19 thoughts on “Leigh sent this to me. He wants to know what is it…

    • The thing that belonged in the trash was those plastic “single-use” speculums they tried to push some years ago. Those were cheap, awkward, and they had the nasty tendency to pinch the patient. What a shitshow those fucking things were.

  1. Current Vaginal Speculum.

    What does it have to do with a motorcycle, unless it’s that old “Ass, Grass, or Cash, nobody rides for free”.

  2. I knew what it was.
    I just thought it was funny.
    My brother calls them the duck bills of death.

    Whitehall, NY

  3. Tailpipe spreader? Nah, for what the HD service dept. charges in labor that’s for opening your wallet. Think my shop is getting $95 or maybe a $100 an hour now.

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