12 thoughts on “Kitchen hack…

    • Exactly. We have been doing that for years now. Hands down the best sweet corn we have ever had.

    • That’s the way we’ve been doing them for 10 years. Will never do them the old messy way again. 9 minutes and, DONE!

  1. used to cook it that way in a camp fire. we wet the husks down before placing them in the coals. when they start to burn at bit , they done.
    that was a long time ago now.

    • Yep, used to have corn roasts all the time when we were kids. After I got married I made them like that on the charcoal grill. My city bred wife was amazed at the flavor. We would also do potatoes…….

  2. We always cook ours with the husk in the gas grill outside. People who boil ears of corn on top of the stove are committing an abominable act.

    • I’ve been doing it that way for decades. Amazing flavor.

      I soak the ears in water with husks on for 1/2 hour before putting them on the grill. When the outside leaves start to char a little, it’s time to turn them. 3-4 minutes between turns. Peel off the really charred husks outside so that stuff doesn’t get all over everything inside the house. The kernels should be browned just a bit for a nice nut like flavor.

  3. I love corn cooked that way. Until I had one of my front teeth pulled out. Now it’s hard to get a clean, even clearing of the kernels. —ken

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