12 thoughts on “Kindness refund…

  1. Amen, and please remember to be kind to that person that got up hours before you to have the Diner or coffee shop ready.

      • Yep, I’ve never found a dab of kindness wasted.

        Goes well with random acts of kindness. Buy that street person a burger someday.

        • one thing I did pick up from mom was to always be kind to the people that serve you. if nothing else, at least a kind word or two. never hurts and if you get a smile back, it is worth the effort you put it.
          and tip up front. makes life a but brighter for everyone.

  2. Having sucky jobs, being unappreciated and having to Solve their problems for them changed me. I make people laugh. If I wish I didn’t need to be there, the people who work there probably would rather be somewhere else, too.
    Not to say Their behavior can’t affect mine.

  3. But do the people who serves the coffee to the customer thank him for his business? That seems to be a forgotten art.

    • I’ve noticed something like that all over (New England, upper Midwest, PNW, SoCal and Phoenix) recently.

      Example: waitress brings you your coffee. You say “Thank you.” She says “No problem.” Even 10 ago it would have been “You’re welcome.”

      Other Example: cashier hands you your change*. You say “Thanks” just because it’s the polite noise you make when someone hands you something. Again, “No problem.”

      Back in my day, “no problem” was a sort of dismissive remark, somewhere between “you’re welcome” and “fuck you”. But I don’t think these kids (mostly) mean any hostility by the remark. Just bad training. It ain’t rocket surgery to say back to the customer “Thank YOU for shopping with us” or something like that.

      * the fact that I need change from cash marks me as a yesterday man. And have you noticed that no one knows how to make change? I don’t mean the amount. I mean they immediately tuck away the bill you gave them instead of laying atop the drawer so that there is no doubt what you handed them. Again, bad training followed by not using their own thinking meat.

  4. I *try* to be as polite as I can when dealing with the service industries, it makes their day better. Unless they’re a professional jerk. You can be having a bad day, I’ll cut you some slack, but if you continue we get to butt heads.

    More and more of that, especially in The Age Of Karens.

    • You can’t be stealing everything I post Bluebird! I’ll have to go over to your place and steal some myself…

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