The “Unofficial” slogan of Portland has been “Keep Portland Weird” for the last few decades.
I couldn’t even tell you when it started but I vaguely remember a Bumper sticker thing twenty five or thirty years ago
Needless to say, some people took that shit to heart and turned it into a full time job.
We had to go over there today to a cousins sixtieth birthday party at some old two story Billiards hall that I have somehow managed to not know about even thought it too, is now sixty years old.
I probably never knew about it because it was in a section of Portland on the East side of the river known as the Hollywood District that I never had much need to visit. Still don’t even more so after today.
It appears to have changed greatly since my last visit.
Some of you may remember seeing little posters stapled to telephone poles back in the day advertising little unknown bands and shit playing at local venues.
I came down out of the second floor of this place and stood on the corner to have a smoke and ran smack dab into these.

I got a pretty good clue of what to expect on the way in about six blocks from the joint when a black dude wearing a long blonde wig with Rainbow colored clothes, face paint that would make a Comanche Warrior blush and high heels crossed the street in front of the truck at a light right in front of me.
Ayep, here we fucking go went through my mind as I watched that rambling wreck shuffle across the street.
The best part?
There was a little boutique kitty corner from that telephone pole with a sign that said KIDS ONLY.
Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention until I was walking away and didn’t get a picture of that. I was too busy constantly rotating and checking my six while Hot Boxing my cigarette.
Once again I was very vividly reminded me why I hate that fucking town anymore and refuse to go across the bridge unless I absolutely have to.
That ain’t even the bad part of town.
It’s been about 23 years since I’ve been to Portland. Further back, when I lived outside Portland a ways, Belmont and Sandy were frequent routes for me, and Grand. I’m not sure I’d want to take the scenic tour today. Used to be, the West side was much worse. I shudder to think of what downtown is like – yeah, I’ve read some of the news.
I had to look on Google maps. I think I’ve been in that pool hall. Would have to check with an old friend.
That’s a pity. I was in Portland once, as a kid, in the early 1960’s. I thought it was a beautiful area. My friends still back in my home-town area tell me not to bother coming back, as I wouldn’t recognize the place. Parts that were once nice, clean, well-maintained older homes are now slums and NOGO zones.
…and to think someone actually came up with a TV series which played up Portlandia as some kind of modern Utopia that ran for several seasons.
I watched one episode because it was being hyped on Fox. It sucked.
When societies get this bad they always fall. Our turn coming soon. Too far gone to fix.—ken
Been about 15 y ears since I was last in Portland, had to go to attend one of my closest friends funeral (RIP Tom). It was weird to the point of nuthouse then, can’t imagine where it is now.
Back during Hale-Bopp, a local radio guy / amateur astronomer posted some pictures on this thing called “the internet”. A group of folks decided it was the mothership, and offed themselves. Big News at the time.
I was running the live truck that time, and we went to the Montrose district in Houston where he worked at KLOL FM for an interview. First time I went there, too. It was a Vibrant place.
I saw, perhaps, the loveliest dark skinned lady I’d EVER seen walking down the sidewalk. One of the camera men from the Big 3 said, “Hey Frank, how ya been?” And this deep rumbly voice came from the lady, “doing good, doing good.” I realized no matter how long I was there in that town, I wasn’t gonna fit or function very well. I couldn’t trust my own eyes.
it is really tragic what has happened to portland. unfortunately a good portion of the state is following suit. I guess they recently dropped the mask mandate in hospitals and dr’s offices but as soon as they get a chance – they will re-implement it. that is one of the main reasons I had to leave that state. all my family is there – but I feel strongly that I will never again set foot in oregon.
Birds of a feather and all that. Stay out of the big city.
Sad that. All I ever heard growing up is what a beautiful city. Have never been there.
Even in the early ’70’s the only reason to go to the Hollywood District was the Friday night showings of “Rocky Horror” at the Hollywood Theater.
THAT was an experience.
LOL, first saw that movie while stationed in W. Berlin. Though it was funny as hell, especially with all the locals preforming parts of it. Rice flying, time warp dance, so forth. And who can forget the “aw meatloaf again”. First time I saw Meatloaf and became a fan there and then.
I knew I had been in that theater before but couldn’t remember what show I had seen. I even mentioned it to the Wifely Unit.
There it is, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Thanks for clearing that up for me!
Haven’t been to seattlistan in over 3 years, because of current events, by which I also mean the next 3 years, but I will opine – chuckling – that the condition is the same in specific areas of that shithole.
Returned to Smellay, for the first time in a year and a half. Since escaping to small town AZ. To attend my Sister’s funeral (DeathJab).
Enroute on the sunken Southbound 110 freeway, passed under the infinite number of cross street overpasses.
Overcrowded with homeless encampments. And couldn’t believe my eyes. Seeing a fine upstanding citizen. Whizzing on the passing cars below.
As a general rule we avoid cities and towns with a population of over 15K, even when traveling.
Only come into town because I work here. And if I wasn’t pined to this location by union seniority rules I’d get the hell out too.