33 thoughts on “Just yuck! I like pineapple on my pizza too!

  1. Condiments and sauces, garnishes, are fine in their place, to ass a little something to food dishes. However, people who still use strong sauce or marinade as if it’s still the 19th century, to cover the gamey taste of slightly too-far-gone meat, shouldn’t impose their tastes on others. It’s one of nature’s little joys, to enjoy either the subtle flavours or sudden flavour blooms of fresh food, aided by the modern wonder that refrigerated food storage *can* provide us.
    One day soon, give your fresh or cooked food a try without extra added flavourings, then if you still must, you can slather it with mayonnaise, pickles or sauce to your heart’s content, but your taste buds may at least learn the lovely natural taste of fresh foods, rather than overpowering chemicals.

  2. Ketchup, or catsup, is there any difference or is it merely a variation in colloquial Yank spellings? Just curious, that’s all.

  3. Anyone that orders or puts pineapple on pizza needs to take a header off of a ten story building or just get a pistol and eat it. You are officially crazy and need to end your and our suffering.

    As to ketchup or catsup on eggs, if God had intended for that to top off your eggs, he would have put a tomato inside the egg shell instead of a yolk.

    Ketchup on Mac and Cheese? Knock yourself out. I think it’s a vile combo, as is unadorned mac and cheese. Yes, I’ve had homemade mac and cheese which was OK. However, I still detest the combo. Why do you think there are so many FAT poor people? It’s because packaged mac and cheese, like Kraft or Fannie’s, in copious quantities, is their diet staple. Well, for the ones that aren’t buying king crab legs and fillet mignon with their ill gotten EBT cards, then driving away from the grocery store in their Escalades. You know who I’m talking about.

    • Gosh Nemo,I didn’t think for one moment you wanted for me to take a header dive… I like Canadian Bacon and pineapple pizzas, I just had one last Friday and I put on ham wedges and more mozzarella cheese and bake away!

      • Yuck. Up until that comment, I used to think you were just a wee bit twisted. Now. I’m not sure what to think. No, I don’t really think you should end it. it was just an amplification of how much I detest pineapple and/or ham/canadian bacon on pizza.

        To each his own.

        • What’s a pizza other than a baked, open face sandwich? Cheese may be a required ingredient, but everything else is fair game.

  4. Both of these scenarios are a sin against Nature, and vengance is mine, sayeth The Lord.

    Bless yer heart, Y’all been warned!

  5. Substitute the catch-up with a good, simmered salsa. You’d eat it with a mouthful of dirty cigarette butts. Closest second would be something suggested by a coonass.

  6. Pineapple on pizza is An Abomination Unto The Lord.

    JL – if you can put your hands on some Nando’s Peri Peri, give that a try. I use the “medium garlic” as wing sauce. Hmmm……

  7. Hey, deja-vu!


    You must really not like this combo. I gotta make another batch of mac’n’cheese – you do it right, and it’s delicious.

    Sinece we’re on the subject of hot sauce, try – I kid you not – “Buttplug Relief”. Tasty stuff. My go-to these days though, it Tobasco’s chipotle.

    • What can I say, oldtimers has set in and I forgot I had posted it before. You must realize the hundred and thousands of memes we have to wade through and post here to keep y’all entertained and informed and allow a forum so youse guys can rant off…

      • Just had to give you a little crap, ya know? We all appreciate the tremendous effort, and of course we make allowances for you going soft in the head. And I think ham & pineapple on pizza is great.

  8. Ketchup on boxed Mac&Cheese makes sense. Gotta coverup the flavor. Pineapple on pizza: Have at it. Just don’t turn lefty and try to force it on me.
    Ever tried German sausage and sauerkraut pizza. Hmmm, mmm.

    Evil Franklin

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