10 thoughts on “Just In Case There Was One Guy Out There That Needed To Be Reminded

  1. I like her. But I am married. So I have one, and only one woman, who can tell me what to do.

  2. The trouble with her logic is it fails to mention that if you vote for Michelle Obama you’re also a faggot even though that technically would not be voting for a woman.

  3. Depends on the ballot. Back when Obama first ran, I got accused of racism pretty regularly for declaring that I’d never vote for him. My response was, ” I’d vote for Condolezza Rice, and BOTH her parents were Black.”
    If it were a choice between Slo Joe (or say, Gavin Newsome) I’d definitely take someone like Kari Lake or Kristi Noem. Hell, even Tulsi Gabbard would be better than that slimeball.

    • Tulsi Gabbard would make an excellent Veep or Prez even though she’s of a Libtard bent.
      Gimme Kari Lake any day.

  4. That’s hilarious and true.

    I’ll have to show it to my son – “See! There are still good ones out there”

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