15 thoughts on “Just a Ford Day

  1. I’d take any one of those, even the rusty ones.

    But not the electric, because I’m not a homosexual.

    FFS, why mess up the post? That’s like Irish posting a fat chick on the Friday Female Farago post.

    • We gotta give you something to bitch about and chew on and make fun of TechieDude… just like Irish posting fat chicks.

  2. Starting from when I was sixteen and the hand-me-down after my ’50 Studebaker Champion: Fords: two 54’s, ’55, ’57, 59, ’63, ’65, ’67 then I got into sports cars. Trucks, ’64 someone had put a 427 in. Torque monster. Later, ’93 Ranger. ’93 T-Bird. That appears to be it. I’m too old to buy another car. I’ll have the ’02 Durango until they take my keys.

  3. Cederq, Leigh will appreciate these Phoard photos you’ve posted. Do you notice the common factor in each image? They are all static shots, because that is the normal condition for a Ford, to be at rest after it’s broken down, again.

    • You’re a cruel man, Johno.

      I have a Ford F250 and it’s been fine, so far.

      Has 150K on the clock, runs like a Ukrainian watch.

      So far…

    • Haters gotta hate….. 😉
      And yes, I do appreciate Cederq’s fine collection. Though I would trade the EV for the Candy Apple 79 – if the owner would stoop so low as to take it.

      Whitehall, NY

      • Leigh, I put the EV in there to show what they may look like. And a secondary purpose, to get ya’ll riled up… I wouldn’t own one even if they gave it to me and paid my electric bill. Wait until more people either get or have to get a EV and the electric companies have to upgrade plant and as sure as shit and trolls the electric bills will be higher then mortgages.

        • The biggest expense will be replacement batteries. Only because they are made of magic pixxy dust. Not lithium mined with diesel machines from a giant toxic pit in the ground………
          /sarc off.

          Whitehall, NY

  4. Saw the Pinto station wagon with the fake wood grain in #17. I owned one of those. I bought it used and it was one of the biggest pieces of crap that I ever owned.

    I didn’t know that they made a crew cab Ranchero. Was that factory or a custom built?

    • Don’t know Feral, I don’t remember ever seeing a crew cab Ranchero. It is either a one off factory prototype, or a custom build.

      • My Grandfather bought a Pinto wagon for my aunt, when she went off to college. Come to find out, it was mostly bondo and rust. Took a lot to get the body back into shape. I think it was referred to as: birth-control on wheels.

        Whitehall, NY

        • My parents bought a Pinto wagon with 4 kids to haul around. it was a POS. Three weeks after they bought theirs my Grandfather bought one, both brand new. My Grandfather took off to go from the coast of Oregon to head to Missouri and got as far as the Idaho border before the rear end blew out of it. Mismatched ring and pinion from the factory. He used to drive me crazy riding with him because it had a manual transmission and he used to lug the engine to death before he would shift.
          Hated those damn things.

          • The fastest turn around I had on a car was a 1975 bare assed bones Pinto coupe, baby blue and I had it two days after buying it new, traded it for a 1974 F150 bare bones short bed 2Wheel drive.

          • We had a Pinto hatchback when I was about 12. I would sit in the center, hold the shoulder belts and rock the car side to side – while Mom was driving. She really didn’t like me doing that. Said it felt like the damn thing was on two wheels most of the time. The only car she hated more than that one, was the 67 XR7 Cougar we had. I seem to remember it was a pretty decent car; she despised it.

            Whitehall, NY

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