Johno sends me emails on, I get these warnings every time I click on them.

Look where they come from, Advisory provided by Google. GMX is a German web site and email provider. Their server is in Germany. I wonder when gmail, Protonmail, Hotmail, etc are going to start doing this? It is starting folks, concerted and persistent censuring and difficultly searching and surfing the web. I can copy and paste the URL and it loads fine and my malware and virus software yawns when I scan the URL. I may have to find another email server to use.

Warning – Visiting this web site may harm your computer

You’re about to leave the GMX service.

This page appears to contain malicious code that could be downloaded to your computer without your consent. You can learn more about harmful web content including viruses and other malicious code and how to protect your computer at
(Advisory provided by Google)

If you nevertheless want to visit this site, copy the following link and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

Further information about risks on the internet can be found in our help section.


Please do not visit this website.

11 thoughts on “Johno sends me emails on, I get these warnings every time I click on them.

  1. I use GMX email, but rather than accessing it through their website, I use the Thunderbird email program. It retrieves the email and stores it on my computer. It does not leave the emails on the GMX site.

    I do have an additional account that I only use under special circumstances that I access online, not through Thunderbird. When I use it I get a message that says You are leaving the GMX site. This page will redirect in five seconds. Not seeing what you are seeing. Running Firefox in Linux Mint. I’ve used GMX for over 10 years.

    Have you tried using a different browser when you access? It might be a browser related issue, not GMX related.

    • I popped onto the GMX site and did a HELO and it appears to be a normal response. A browser visit (with Brave and Adware turned on) resulted in 6 trackers (all blocked) but otherwise no worries.
      Guess it’s browser and blocker dependent.
      However, when I tried to go anywhere on the site it kept flashing a new window and then would rapidly close it. It got tired of looping and finally wanted me to turn off my anti-tracker/cookie software. Ain’t happening, thankyouveddymuch.

  2. I get this warning from time to time on Brave, and it has had me not click on some sites. I’m not a geek so I don’t know how to ascertain whether it’s a valid warning or not. I take the safe route.
    I also know with 100% certainty, from one family and several friends that I am on a government watchlist. Oh well.

  3. Thermal runaway happens to NiCad batteries used in aircraft. There is a battery temperature gauge and/or warning light in the cockpit and the battery is not in the pressurized hull so gases can’t reach the crew and passengers. In an EV the battery top is the floor of the car. Not a good idea.

  4. I’ve been using the email service provided by a smaller outfit in a town I used to live in. Over the last couple of years the big names started rejecting emails from my server. Looks like they’ve joined forces to form their own monopoly and drive all the smaller providers out of business.

  5. If you’re going to surf questionable content, use a virtual machine or open links in a sandbox.

  6. For a while, there were some sites where I couldn’t use my protonmail account. Apparently ‘someone’ had it placed on the list of spam sites. I think as more people moved over to it, it got straightened out. In the meantime, I just didn’t shop those sites.

  7. The “warning” is triggered not against Johno specifically, but by the content being on Bitchute. The “deferrer” page at GMX lends credence to this, but also seems to indicate that they do this for all links, the difference being in what warning text is included. But BitChute is on the “bad” list – that we know, because it’s documented – e.g. Twitter, reddit, and others are blocking it. (Don’t know if post-Musk Twitter still does that.) Your malware/virus software isn’t looking for bad political content (yet).

    If Johno were to send you a link to an article at, e.g. Bloomberg’s news site, you might still get the redirect verbiage, but it’d be just that only, without any dire warnings about malicious content – that’s my guess. And yes, Hotmail already does this – to what extent, I don’t know.

    re. FerralFerret: no, it isn’t browser related. Whether GMX includes the “deferrer” URL in e-mail delivered to an e-mail program, I don’t know. Question here is whether CederQ reads e-mail in a browser, or in a program on his computer. There are some other variables, maybe, that I can only guess at, since I don’t know the gory details of CederQ’s e-mail setup.

    I have a hard time recommending any e-mail service these days. That’s a long topic though.

  8. It sounds entirely like a “Stealth Censorship” attempt – I have encountered similar ‘problems’ almost entirely when trying to access Sites that post “Counter-Narrative” information and opinions.

    As for Nicad Batteries, I’m a Jet Mechanic, and Thermal Runaway is No Joke – It often happens when doing “Cell Conditioning” on the Bench, with the Load Bank and Charger. If the Pressure Caps start Hissing, you’ve got maybe 45 Seconds to a Minute to toss that thing out of the Shop and get away. It goes Up like a box of Fireworks. I always kept a Trash Can filled with Water beside the Bench, and throwing a Runaway Battery into it made 30 Gallons of Water come to a Boil in about a Minute. Those Batteries cost upwards of $30,000 now.

    • A word to the wise, though – DO NOT attempt this with Lithium batteries! Lithium and water DO NOT play together very well, you get beaucoup heat released and some hydrogen gas thrown in just to make things spicy!!

      Ask any fireman just how much they enjoy putting out EV fires…

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