22 thoughts on “Jinx Is Blasted!

  1. Shitty dog owner. The dog should be given a charcoal tablet as soon as possible, or taken to a vet.

  2. My dog, (a Labrador) once ate aluminum foil that was covered with some kind of meat-grease and she shit aluminum foil all over the yard…

  3. How perfect is it that it’s a chihuahua stoned off it’s ass? At least now the lil shit won’t be yapping constantly. We had a husky years ago that would eat Kleenex and paper towels out of the trash can. Then we’d find paper poops in the yard when doing cleanup. What was really funny is they were perfectly formed into a turd shape, and had a slight twist in them lengthwise, where you could see exactly how the intestine “processed” it. I used to comment that she was the only dog in existence that wiped her ass from the inside out.

  4. That little fucker is trippin’ balls.
    He’ll be ok…just put The Wall from Pink Floyd on the TV, give him some tacos, and he’ll be fine.

  5. That’s is hilarious … although she needs to get a trash can that the dog can’t get into, this could have been much worse. But like Sedition said, ‘put on The Wall by Pink Floyd’ and let Jinx enjoy the rest of his buzz.
    P.S. Stealing this.

  6. I call BS…no black girl gonna throw away any dope. Probably gave it to the dog deliberately to make the video.

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