8 thoughts on “I’ve clocked it faster…

  1. Trust me, I wasn’t hanging around with a stopwatch to time the event, I was doing my best to get over the Event Horizon!

  2. A switch in the hands of my mother was worse than my father with a belt. And no, pissing off Dad was not a good idea.

  3. Dad’s belt whistled as it cut through the air, then landed with a snap. There was a flash of time between hearing the snap, and registering the sensation that your ass was on fire.

    Mom on the other hand , was quite skilled in the use of the wooden spoon, spatula, hair brush, and shoe.

    There was no such thing as “wait till your father gets home” Mom held her own. Usually that was it, but there were no double jeopardy protections for the most serious infractions.

    Not a good environment if you were a slow learner. 🙂

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