It’s Worse Than You Could Possibly Imagine, A Map Of All Of The Food Processing Plants That Have Caught Fire Or Been Destroyed.

Time and time again I have reminded you that food is the Communist’s favorite weapon.

They are absolutely planning a World Wide Famine, the sheer amount of incidents defy any odds.

This short video is going to surprise even the most ardent conspiracy theorist.

I found the link to this originally at Steve Quayle’s site.

10 thoughts on “It’s Worse Than You Could Possibly Imagine, A Map Of All Of The Food Processing Plants That Have Caught Fire Or Been Destroyed.

  1. Acts of God or stunning incompetence aside, it all begins to make sense if viewed through the lens that they want you dead…. I don’t mean trussed-up-and-two-in-the-back-of-the-head, at least not yet, but a sustained program whereby good health and the maintenance thereof become increasingly difficult to arrange.
    No healthy food, no access to competent medical care, increasingly dangerous living conditions (both from the usual crime rates, as well as the influx of new and very violent people who don’t like you very much), to say nothing of the ongoing efforts to make you take new injections for whatever it might be this week….
    Here in Canada, the bar for state-provided MAID services is being lowered by the month. Last I heard, clinical depression is now an acceptable reason to get MAID services.
    Oh yeah, they want you dead.
    What shall we do about this?

    • I do apologise, sir. I should have defined the acronym for those outside the PRCanada. I wasn’t thinking.

  2. They have to pick up the pace. I’ve been monitoring food inflation and its 7% this year, not good and way below reported inflation, but not a sign of of famine. What our food system does depend on is the soundness of the dollar, electricity and transportation.

    What I don’t know is the fragility of the food system. How much margin does the system have and how much inventory. Spring was usually the time of starvation as stores were eaten and no new food was growing. Crops are doing good in my little part of the world.

    Inflation can be a means of disruption if the deplorable can’t afford food. We’ve really created an economic house of cards and BRICS has begun the process of rejecting dollars. All that exported inflation will come home. Most people can’t cook or store significant food without electricity, what are all those military aged male invaders up to? Disrupt major metro centers like any big city with EBT dependent population and watch the grasshoppers decent on the ants. Also we’ve got bird flu going again. I’m waiting for a deadly strain of cow pox or something. We’re importing meat now and a healthy diet is mostly meat.

    So general famine-don’t see it. Engineered local famine – easy.

  3. I have been keeping a list of links to news stories of USA Food Plant Fires since 1/11/21. There are 105 incidents during that time. Don ‘t know if I have them all.

    The plants range from chicken/egg farms to grain processing mills and pretty much cover the gamete of the entire food processing industry.

    There don’t seem to be any stories of plants that catch fire and not totatly destroyed, coming back on line.

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