6 thoughts on “It’s Working Alright

  1. Fuck that cunt.

    But if she is selected the entertainment value will be priceless and we might get to see a great chimpout in DC, worth its weight in gold.

  2. it is really simple. they want us to be serfs. we own nothing and be happy remember ?
    kind of like her tax plan on capital gains you haven’t gotten yet.
    your house is paid off and you are retired. but now you house is worth more than you paid for it- you owe them taxes on the profit it might make if you sell it.
    but you don’t and you now still owe them tax money or they take your house away.
    and lets not forget how much they giving to all of the illegals every month.
    more than some people get from SSI after paying into that shit for 40 plus years.
    I have not seen one Harris sign anywhere here in the hills of pa.
    but that doesn’t matter. a while back, our “gov” was meeting with Alex Sores.
    so there is sure to be some fucked up shit going down in this state.
    why else would it take 3-4 days to ‘count the votes ” here ?
    you really think we going to just “vote” these assholes out ?
    yeah, right. ammo up as we going to need it.

  3. I’ve seen one – and only one – Kamala sign. The one that guy who drew the Obama did, makes her look 20 years younger and even slightly pretty. It just says FORWARD.

    The irony is this is a place I drive through regularly that’s a higher income bracket area than where I live. First time I saw it I thought, “you moron! You have no idea how they’re going to rape you.” From that tax on unrealized gains that Dave in PA mentions to just tearing you apart with more taxes on everything, that new global tax being talked about, more inflation, and on and on and on. What a ma-roon.

  4. While I love ads like that, I have never seen one broadcast ‘in the wild’ (tv, Utube, etc.). Where do these things run? Leftards are the ones who need to see it, not me.

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