13 thoughts on “It’s what’s for dinner…

    • You know, I never thought about it, but when I was a kid, I used to go out squirrel hunting all the time and we ate them frequently (this was on a farm in Oklahoma). But then it all stopped. I haven’t eaten squirrel since the 1960s. In fact, we used to eat all sorts of game. Not so much now.

      Where I live now, there seems to be a generational gap. I don’t see many Gen X’ers or Millenials hunting or fishing or eating game. But.. there seems to be a rising popularity among Gen Z folk. I’ve had a few people come to the house wanting to hunt on my land, and they’ve all been in their 20s.

  1. At least it isn’t injected with that frankenshot like the store bought meats.

    • What about all that meth you hillbilly types throw down the hill when you hear the cops valve-bouncing up your two-mile long pot-holed driveway?

  2. I thought Florida Iguanas already had that title ‘Chicken of the Trees’. Won’t these two want to fight it out to see who earns the title ?

    Tree Rat – I’ve heard that one before

  3. During both world wars when the German population was starving they called cats Roof Rabbits. Something to bear in mind when TSHTF and a nice portion of Tiddles from next door will be just what is needed.

    • Well we should be used to eating them by now, had any Asian takeout food in the last 60 years? Seriously, if you’re forced into converting putty-tats into sustenance food, use plenty of heat when cooking and don’t scrimp, damn cats carry and spread plenty of disease, ask a vet, some aren’t destroyed by ordinary cooking heat. Why do you think the Chings crank their wok heat so high, they know from experience that you need to kill off the bugs, bacteria.
      Of course, we ain’t talking about Cederq’s bedroom pastimes, he eats pussy raw, so he says anyway.

  4. A few years ago, I ran a test to see if I could feed my dog on squirrels. Shot every squirrel we saw, one or two a week. He loved it, of course. They got pretty scarce by the end of the summer and are just now coming back in four years later. we’re on 300 acres of woods, surrounded by 100’s more. So not viable even for one dog. Add in hares and turkey and grouse, might help. But I reckon big game is the only way to eat regular.

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