23 thoughts on “It’s True

  1. King Of The Road in a not Roger Miller way. If ever the vehicle fit the driver, this is it – you won the lottery on Big Red, and both deserve many thousands of happy miles together.

  2. I like that bumper Phil. Some ranchers down here have something similar, with a vertical pipe or two welded near the side(s) for carrying road work tools like machetes, loppers and the like. That way, you don’t have to reach into the bed for a tool that is juuuuust out of reach and requires climbing in to retrieve.

  3. Just remember, though, you actually do not own the roads. At some point, you will reap what you sew. There is always, and I do mean always, someone out there bigger and badder than you. Just sayin’…… Oh, and a technical note: If someone is already in the lane, THEY have the right of way, not you. You’re old, so you probably already know that, but you might be amazed at the number of people who think they have the right of way because they want to get into the lane. Doesn’t work that way…

  4. I drive vehicles that yell “Prolly ain’t got no insurance!” That works, even here in Tennessee. Apparently it yells at cops,”Old, cranky, prolly ain’t got no money…pass on that one!”, not worth the hassle. Only been pulled over once in 9 years here, that was for going 55 in a 35, after a pleasant short conversation, he let me go with a warning. Prolly figured “… ain’t got no money!”

    • I too am of the “Drive it till it drops!” school. I used to drive an old F150 van that I could park in a bad neighborhood, leave the keys in it, and come back the next day and it’d be untouched. I’ve had several rigs with blue book values something less than zero. My backup rig now–between my wife and I, we very much enjoy the luxury of having a backup if one of our daily drivers is down for maintenance–all it costs now is registration and liability insurance. When it finally dies I’ll likely have to pay a junkyard to tow it away, which accounts for my “less than zero” value on it.

  5. Sounds like a good way to be found at fault for any collision and be dropped by your insurance company. Because a turn signal does not give you legal right-of-way anywhere. You are still responsible for changing lanes WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO.

    See you in court.

    • Stop scratching it and it will quit bleeding. Dab it with a wad of toilet paper or ask your mom what to do.

  6. Around here, oilfield hands used to make bumpers out of pipe with the ends capped and fittings added for an air bottle.

  7. If somebody is beside me I’m not coming over, but if the bleep-head two car lengths back speeds up when I signal it is on them. I’ve seen that all too often with Latina drives.

    My trucker BILs always say their signals are “A Statement, not a Question”…

  8. Rodger That!

    I had a 98 F-150 XLT Supercab 4×4 with the factory lift with a front bumper similar to Phil’s. The truck was 10 years old when people started getting out of it’s way. I drove it another 11 years.

  9. I changed from a sports car to a station wrong when kids came along. Didn’t drive any different, but was utterly shocked at how many people flipped me off and cut me off. Later switched to a really beat up ancient F150, and was just as shocked at how many people just got their lexuses the fuckoutta my way. It was like the red sea parting or something.

  10. I’ve seen idiots entering an Interstate cut off a semi with trailer going uphill. One of my former co-workers said the same thing as phil. I told him it was illegal he said if I did not get out of his way he would run me off the road. I drive a 3/4 Ford F250 4×4 . I don’t know what he drovebut it would have been interesting

  11. Biggest POS i ever owned was an ’80 F250 351M. Cut converter off to burn leaded gas. When cold in AM, would backfire if let off gas. Fire would blow 3′ out the tailpipe. Bitch was loud as a gunshot. Good fun, at times. Soul brother on goldwing not scoot over to let me on highway. Strategic activity showed him the error of his inconsiderate ways.

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