It’s So Simple A Caveman Could Do It

Now that we have found out Gropey McPantsshitter. Myorkis and whoever else was involved having flown in over 300,000 illegal aliens into this country on the tax payer dime completely bypassing the border all together.

Simply have The Speaker of the House drop this document down on the desk of whoever is in charge of the U.S. Marshalls and give them an ultimatum.

(Image swiped from Non Original Rants)

Tell them to get ahold of Biden, Knee Pads and Myorkis.

Tell them they have 24 hours to close the fucking border tight.

If that doesn’t happen, which we all know it won’t, send in the U.S. Marshalls and arrest all 3 of them for Treason plus Dereliction of Duty.

Then inform The Speaker the same deal applies to him.

If necessary, continue this process until you get down to the fucking janitor.

Then commence with the trials and the subsequent hangings.

11 thoughts on “It’s So Simple A Caveman Could Do It

  1. It’d be great if the law were enforced without prejudice or favoritism. If it were, then 18USC242 (deprivation of rights under color of law) could be used to good effect.

    I note that the “Domestic Transport” provision would seem to apply to Gov. Abbot to the same extent it applies to the CBP et. al.

    I’m not going to try to slog through Title 8, Chapter 12 to look for provisions regarding govt. personnel acting in their official capacities. Wouldn’t surprise me to find it.

  2. Nothing will be done. This is all part of the Plan to Destroy the Republic, and Every. Single. One. of the so-called ‘government officials’ is Complicit in Treason, from the Boarder (sic) control officers to the (p)Resident and his ‘handlers’.

    It is a Waste of Time to parse the “Law” (and the ‘code of federal regulations’ isn’t Constitutional to begin with) and suggest “Solutions” to this. It will come down to ‘kinetic action’ in the end; I don’t remember who said it, but “When faced with an Enemy Invader and a Traitor, and you only have one Bullet, Shoot the Traitor”.

  3. 1930s: Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky, Louis Buchalter, Dutch Schultz, Mickey Cohen

    2020: Alejandro Mayorkas,Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, Merrick Garland, Janet Yellin.

    Nothing. Has. Changed.

  4. I honestly marvel….
    Political affiliations aside, the blatant lawlessness, I mean, they’re not even pretending anymore, it’s straight up fucking violations of black-letter law, they should be getting arrested on the spot by any swinging Richard, nevermind officer of the law who swore an oath to uphold the very Constitution they are violating…
    … but here we are!
    Ya know the whole immigrant debate gets wrapped up in the argument of what an immigrant is. Is THIS version illegally here, or is THAT version in violation of a law? Or can you re-interpret this section that says… Admittedly, smary lawyers have a way of making black and white issues seem grey. So you kinda, sorta, can almost see where the wiggle room comes into play.
    The ICE agents that moved them onto the planes? TRAITORS!
    The DHS agents that didn’t stop the bus? TRAITORS!
    The police protecting the hotel filled with illegals instead of arresting every God Damned NGO piece of shit working there? HE’S A FUCKING TRAITOR, TOO!

    And watch this country turn itself around.

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