It’s November 5th

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

H/T to ScouterGreg for the reminder. I have been gone shopping with The Wifely Unit and he sent me an email to remind me.


I have had that T shirt for over 5 years now, except mine is gray.

If you aren’t aware of what it’s all about, do yourself a favor and watch V For Vendetta.

It’s a pretty damn good movie.

6 thoughts on “It’s November 5th

  1. Funny, “V” is all about how the Government uses a virus to control its subjects. Hmmmm…

    Though the original Guy Fawkes and his pack of mental midgets were kinda stupid. If they were around today, they would have voted Dem and been labeled the 1600’s version of MAGA people.

  2. It was another government false flag, Fawkes a patsy. Governments just love staging false flags to distract the people.

  3. As good as the movie is, the original graphic novel is better. Check it out if you get a chance.

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