It’s Not Just Me Then?

I saw this over at WRSA during one of my several daily visits and it hit a bullseye immediately with me.

For most of my life I have always had a gut feeling that I was born years or even decades too late.

I was raised by the generation that lived through the Great Depression and it has had a great impact on my life.

I love old technology and machinery, including motor vehicles and have an increasingly desperate wanting to get the hell out of this state and move somewhere up in the hills like up in the Ozarks and fulfill the dreams of all Scotts Irish.

To be left the fuck alone, have a small place with a small piece of land and a barn or shop on it to tinker in.

Alas I know that will never happen at this point but I can still keep small bits and pieces of that alive even here in the suburbs of Portlandistan.

Because Freedom is a state of mind and they will never kill that in me.

I can also try to transfer what knowledge of the Old Ways I have on to my kids, if they will just pay attention.

10 thoughts on “It’s Not Just Me Then?

  1. No, not just you. I don’t care for the modern world much either – not past around around 2005 or so.

    Ponder the circumstances. Born 10 years earlier – turn 18 in 1968 and get drafted and sent to Vietnam. Born 20 years earlier, too late for Korea and too old for Vietnam, you get your driver’s license in 1956.

    I don’t think I’d want to go back further.

  2. Why I live out in the middle of fuckin nowhere with my tools and dogs and hot wife.
    I don’t make a great living, but I have everything I’d ever want.

  3. as an unreconstructed Southerner (Appalachian Scots-Irish from literally across the line of Great Smoky Mtns),
    I must ask-

    why stay anywhere in fusa?

    my loyalty was long ago depleted by the place.
    other than being born there, why stay? the place we grew up in no longer exists but in our hearts and memories. which I still possess/relish as an ex-pat. in a land with
    fewer governmeant intrusions, regulations. More akin to my youth.
    BTW- been a daily visitor for at least a decade. you and cederq ( I too spent many years working as a nurse) are both essential to my mental health!

    Seek ye the Lord while He may be found

  4. In your camp for sure. LOL… who would have ever thunk it… to become a living, breathing anachronism. But don’t let it get out… they just might decide to stick us in a museum some place.

  5. Well said Gentlemen I concur. And add,
    Jer_6:16  Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

  6. Throughout the last 4 years of bullshytte from the top and people being horrible to one another one image has grown in my mind, of me, a couple of dogs, a hunting rifle, and the high mountains. Think Jeremiah Johnson. Watch the cities burn, get away from karen compliance, no computers or phones. I daydream this while looking out at my suburb’s traffic and noise and pretty good (but expensive) infrastructure.

  7. I can identify with your desire to teach the young ones. I’ve gained so much skill and knowledge during my dwell time here. Grew up as millwright Jr. High to 30. Worked on aircraft until retire. 35 yr.s. No body to pass this on to. Sorta feels like a waste. All I can do is entertain myself with this accumulation.

  8. On the same boat as the rest. Felt like I was born a century too late. Planning a run to a small dirt road soon. God willing and the implosion isn’t imminent, it’ll get done.

  9. We moved to the mountains sw of Moosehead lake. me, 20 yrs ago. It aint much, but I did it all myself with the ‘helpful’ interference of the Missus. We scrape by.
    I hardly ever see an asshole, but when I do, they look distinctly nervous, far from help or hearing.

    You spend all your time fighting nature, though. She want’s to eat you and your productions. At least She’s honest about it.

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