It’s Good To Have Friends

And it’s always good to see them.

I have been trying to give this little trailer away for months.

I got it for free from another friend and then spent a bunch of time and money getting it road worthy.

The Wifely Unit painted a big bullseye on it and has been on a campaign for me to get rid of it for a long time.

CederQ said he would like to have it and made plans twice to drive up here and get it.

Both times fate had other plans for the poor guy and he had to cancel.

The wife kept on nagging me so I tried to give it to four different people but they all said it was too small for their needs.

I was at the point that I was going to put it on Craigslist and just be done with it but I called CederQ one more time and this time it worked out.

He got up at O:Dark Thirty yesterday and drove from basically Roseburg Oregon to Vancouver Washington, showing up here in time to wake me up out of bed.

He brought little Guido too so I got to see the little doggie as a bonus.

I had to replace a connector for one of the new lights I had put in it first, I broke one of the terminals off.

All the while we sat and visited back and forth.

I also loaded him up with some goodies that I had been holding onto for him so it worked out good.

Unfortunately he had to do a quick turnaround and didn’t get to stay too long but it was good to see him and I was very happy to get rid of some things on top of the trailer. He says his brother can use it.

I bet we could have set and talked for hours and hours but as I said, he had to turn around and get back home.

He called me a few hours later and let me know he made it all the way back home without any troubles and I was VERY glad to hear it.

So hopefully he can get some use out of the other stuff I gave him and it was good to see him again.

Getting rid of that trailer however is not going to deter my wife from riding my ass to get rid of shit. She had already moved on and identified the next items I need to get rid of so now she will move on to riding my ass about that.

One thing at a time.

Good to see you again dude and I’m already looking forward to doing it again.

6 thoughts on “It’s Good To Have Friends

  1. Remind the wife about OSHA’s “one ass ride at a time” safety measures.

  2. That’s about 3 hrs. windshield time, one way. Cool that you got to have a visit.

    Only time I’ve been through Roseburg was on the way to/from Diamond Lake. Pretty country.

    I see you still have a Focus parked in the driveway. Mine will soon be gone, if all goes well.

  3. Glad you guys had a chance to catch up. Sure looks like the weather was on your side for sitting outside visiting, always the best. Guido appears to be enjoying too!

    Kevin, have you considered adding Guido as a BN Contributing Author?

  4. Herer’s the problem with being an introvert like me, my mental image of all the blogging people is that of middle aged dudes. Here you two are broke down old farts just like me. Well, keep on being awesome!

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