It’s Been A Long Week

They had their Big Money Maker break down Sunday night.

First thing Monday morning it was assholes and elbows and it’s been that way ever since.

I just walked in the door after 11 hours and I am seriously fucking whooped.

My legs, feet and back are all killing me.

They were starting it up to run after we tested it when I left.

Of course now tomorrow, we have to try and catch up on all the other bullshit that fucked up, the usual maintenance shit.

We’ll be playing catch up until mid week easy, IF, this fucker don’t break down again.

That’s why I haven’t been posting much.

Anyways, hit the Blogroll for some entertainment and we shall see how I feel tomorrow night.

Thanks for stopping by, CederQ and I both appreciate y’all very much.

3 thoughts on “It’s Been A Long Week

  1. And as that picture shows, there’s 3 fingers pointing right back at you. We’re all that way. It is what attracts this big band of misfits and keeps us all coming back.

  2. BTDT with regards to the work thing going to shit. My luck is that it usually goes to shit on Thursday afternoon just before a planned 3 day weekend. I’ve cancelled many a plan cause of that. Finally got promoted to a role where it ain’t my responsibility anymore and now the young guns who are supposed to handle it are endlessly complaining, calling me up for advice, and then asking when I’m going come out and work my shift. Ha HA HA HA HA BFYTW is my reply. I’ve done my time, now you do yours.

    But yeah, trying to deal with all that, 14 hr days, work all weekend, knee-deep in alligators and assholes, it gets way harder with old age. I feel for you, man.

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