7 thoughts on “It’s a two edged sword, cuts both ways.

  1. CederQ, you haven’t been posting at Wendyworn’s place. You must be in worse shape than “we” think. Prayer’s up! Hang in there guy. You’re much loved and appreciated.

  2. Tell me about it.
    Over in England i was just about the only voice on a trucker’s forum questioning the covid scam and warning others about the jabs.
    The hostility hysteria and name calling was amazing, unstable and mentally disturbed in the worse cases.

    They won’t forgive you for being right.

    • And they’ll still be sending you invitations to join their pretend “vaccine” scam.

      • Truly it was an eye opening and thoroughly depressing time, seeing your countrymen and colleagues whom you previously thought were fairly reliable surrender without a wimper, with sadly few exceptions.

        Anyone wondered how national socialists communists and true fascists ever managed to persuade whole swathes of a nation to follow them into the abyss? they shouldn’t be wondering any more.

        Never forgive never forget.

  3. I’ve been texting Bribem and general Demonrat memes to one of my brothers daily for about a month. He finally got irate enough to text me back this past week. Let’s just say I got the reaction I wanted.

    I’m going to let him chill for a week or so, then start back in, HARD. The debate this week should provide an IMMENSE amount of fodder.

    ;-))) ;-))) ;-)))

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