We have all heard about the bank failures over the past few days.
There is no way you haven’t unless you have been out in the boonies without an internet connection.
So they are going to bail these fuckers out again except this time they are trying to hide it by saying the other banks are going to cover it using this special fund they have to donate to using money from fees etc.
Gee, I wonder who pays those fees anyways?……
Since we have all been here before, (Cough cough 2008-present) we can all pretty much tell that not only is this new crisis not over, it has more than likely, just begun.
Especially when pResident StumbleFuck comes out and says this crap,
I don’t know about you, but I would be inclined to believe THIS ASSCLOWN before I would Mr. Congenital Liar In Chief.

(Mr. Do The Exact Opposite Of What I Am Shilling Today)
Cramer’s batting average is deep into negative territory, to say the least.
Biden’s is even worse.
So when Biden says everything is Hunky Dory, I start watching for falling anvils.
Let me put it this way, the day before Biden is trying to blow smoke up our asses by saying it’s going to be OK, Trump came out and said THIS,

So who would I believe between the two?
Um, yeah. No contest.
And it’s not like I haven’t been saying its coming for the last, oh I don’t know, maybe TEN YEARS or so.
I have had a bad gut feeling for at least that long, if not longer.
Lately however, it has been screaming at me.
I can pretty much tell you that The Shit Has Hit The Fan and it’s flying everywhere now.
So what else do we have to look forward to?
I’m glad you asked.
For the last six months at least, I have been telling anyone that asks that I feel that Late Summer/Early Fall is when it’s going to get ugly, really ugly.
Things are starting to point to that time frame in a big way.
Now I know that some of you aren’t big fans of Ol’ Uncle Clif but I would HIGHLY recommend that you put your distaste away for a half an hour and PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to his latest video.
I believe that the timeline he works through and the events he is predicting will happen will be invaluable information to have, BEFORE it takes place.
There is Bad Shit coming but there is light at the end of the tunnel and this time it’s not a speeding freight train.
Get ahead of the curve here and inform yourself.
Update, I’m hearing the video isn’t showing up for some folks. It could depend on what browser you are using because it works for me and after CederQ switched from Brave to Pale Moon, it works for him.
I put a link to it in the comments.
what video?
It shows up on my computer, here’s a link to it,
Phil, I sent you an e-mail. This is much much worse than 2008. Terminal.
I saw that but haven’t had time to respond, CederQ is on the phone so I will when I get done yakking with him.
Yes, I agree with you, it’s going to be MUCH worse.
“Bad Moon Rising”, Creedence Clearwater Revival. Just sayin
Why does biden remind me of Steve Martin in “The Jerk”? Bumbling fuck up that he is.
Okay. I’ll go away now.
Because Steve was an actor pretending to be that ate up.
Joe IS that ate up.
Obviously there is some “connections” as to why the “not just FDIC protection” is applied today. Wait for the next couple when they say No more covering the shorts ala Lehman Brothers. That’s when the serious dominos keep right on falling
I am running brave right now. what is blue moon ?
and I started thinking like you have a few years before you did.
then too, I remember buying USA made timberland boots for 10 bucks too.
Levi’s jeans made here where under 7 bucks I think.
coke in a glass bottle for a dime in a machine too.
here a fun fact, it is cheaper to buy coke in a 3rd world shithole than a bottle of water. I bein to places where the water out a tap smells like bleach too.
already have a couple of months worth of food on hand. and coffee too !
if you do not have the same, you better get started now.
as Phil say, this shit is going to get real ugly by the end of summer.
and don’t forget weapons and AMMO. you going to need them by then.
good handgun and holster too. easier to carry around than a rifle/shotgun
My bad, it’s Pale Moon, a derivative of FireFox
Strictly speaking, it’s FAR to late to truly prepare, but give it a shot because doing SOMEthing is better than nothing!
This will include 401K and other retirement accounts, those will probably get confiscated before the banks are locked down, to prevent them from collapsing, of course. /S
My Brave worked perfectly, but I have Shields Down for bustednuckles. Give it a try, all you Brave users.
Strictly speaking, it’s FAR to late to truly prepare, but give it a shot because doing SOMEthing is better than nothing!
The term “Bail in” not “Bail out” may be a new addition to our vernacular if this gentleman is right. This is a great explanation of what has happened and what could be the recourse.
Grab her by the pussy and keep swigging that bleach, I’m sure that’s the answer!
They’re both as bad as each other, only difference is Biden doesn’t get a Christmas card from Putler, Trump doesn’t get one from Zelensky.
Old too soon and never intelligent. Wow, sad.
Trump destroyed Putin’s economy, obliterated a whole Russian army platoon(?) in Syria and kept their economy rocked back on it’s heels.
Ol Joe knelt down, slurped at Putin’s peepee and GAVE HIM PERMISSION TO INVADE UKRAINE, after gifting Vlad a nice $$$$ by killing American oil production.
Biden, and all who equate him and President Trump are traitors.
Far better than my planned response to this probable Fed agi-propaganda.
Feds divide and control, Liberals show their Trump Disorders.
Idiots simply shit poast.
Who is oldtoosoon?
Sorta like when Bush the Elder’s (Secretary of State?) gave Saddam Hussein permission to invade Kuwait, innit?
(And that didn’t cause any problems either.)
And yet green for two days. I do believe the market is rigged and they have more control of it than we know. Look at precious metals.
End the fed in comments for years. That genocider Andrew Jackson did it the first time and then those banker bastards met on Jeckyl island and did it again. Beautiful island by the way.
Cramer, good for entertainment, I think they tell him a couple of days before they pull it what to say. He loves the moniker and monetizes it. He sold a company a couple years ago for in the low millions figure.
ps With all the global debt, I have been saying for a few years what the trump post above says he has no real insight. Common sense and history tells you this.
Thanks for this, Phil. I depend on you to keep up with Uncle Clif and let us know when he has a new podcast or video.