29 thoughts on “It’s 113 degrees out there where I live, not only the titties, the balls are drenched … What is it in your area with glo-bullshit warming?

  1. 92° outside of Atlanta, and even hotter in my sun room/smoking room/office…

  2. 106° at 3:20 pm Madera Calif. Scheduled to 104° or higher every day to the 23 is when my weather app stops. It’s been brutal here. Went on my roof to clean the ac coils in only 90° weather 2 days ago. Thought I died.

  3. about 95 in Pinetop AZ…’but it’s a dry heat’….yeah, right.

  4. …used to live in Roseburg, but don’t think I ever saw anything over the low 100’s…113 is toasty for Oregon

    • I live in Sutherlin, not too far from old Roseburg. Actually it is 115 degrees now. Not an official temp, just one off of my weather gauge.

      • Saw 101 in Florence and Readsport last Saturday. Pretty toasty for being in sight of salt water.

  5. It suddenky dropped to 72 degrees and started raining one day this past weekend. In Texas. In July. Other than that it’s been hot but I’m never surprised when it’s hot in Texas in Summer. Has not broken through to 100 deg. to my knowledge this year. But it ain’t over.

  6. 102 at the airport in Portlandistan and it’s only July.
    Can’t wait for next month…
    I just got home from work a few minutes ago and I am sweating sitting inside the house.

  7. It’s so fucking hot that I think that I could have cooked the dinner steaks without ever turning the grill on.

  8. Think we mighta broke 65 today. Other than a week or so in the low 80’s it’s been pretty pleasant since breakup.

  9. Down here in the NW Florida panhandle, only got up to about 94 with all the scattered and brief storms but the humidity has been pretty consistant in the mid 80% range. Walk out the door and it damn near feals like jumping into a pot of boiling water.

  10. So you got Titties and Balls? That’d make you one of those tranny dudes.

  11. 65 f here in San Luis Calif today.
    Was 113 in the central valley today calif .
    Can’t wait for August.

  12. Phoenix Metro Area: the only two places hotter are Hell and Death Valley this time of year. I’m betting we don’t see double digit temperatures for highs until mid-October, considering how fast it heated up this year.

  13. Northern Alberta, we hit 37C today which is 98.6F.

    Way to hot for this artic lover.

  14. Y’all are woosie amateurs. 117 degrees here today in Phoenix. The best part is no more snowbirds who can’t drive.

  15. Lite weights, we started hitting the century mark in June. Couple days of reprieve now but come Saturday begins a daily occurrence thru August if not probably low highs in the upper nineties

  16. Outside of Columbia SC 7/10, 103 factoring in the heat index. Yesterday’s heat index was around 107-8. The brick garage was much like a pizza oven.

    • Before the rain the past couple of days, the heat index here in Pensacola has been pretty much hovering between 108 and 115 with this damnable humidity. The “in the shade” heat index is usually a balmy 103-105.
      Every morning everything outside is soaking wet from the dew.

  17. Yesterday, tues got to 91 before the rain and overcast came around noon. Today only made 86 before the showers started. Sprinkling and about 82 now. 3:o’clock pm hour.
    We had triple digit days in may and June though. And of course, humidity is high…

  18. Between 95 – 100 in the SLC and Ogden areas, of course St. George is giving Phoenix a run for their money.
    Hey, it’s summer.
    The Sun is being very energetic lately (see spaceweather.com) and all bets are off for “normal” weather.

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