My wife won’t ride with me any longer since I go 60 or more on gravel roads. Been doing it for 60 years or more and as long as the road is well graded and not a washboard or sand trail, it’s perfectly safe. It’s ok though since her screaming and hollering SLOW DOWN got real old. Of course riding with her is always an adventure since speed limits on highways mean nothing to her and she’s always late.
My wife won’t ride with me any longer since I go 60 or more on gravel roads. Been doing it for 60 years or more and as long as the road is well graded and not a washboard or sand trail, it’s perfectly safe. It’s ok though since her screaming and hollering SLOW DOWN got real old. Of course riding with her is always an adventure since speed limits on highways mean nothing to her and she’s always late.
You would not like riding with my wife back then.