I’m sure everyone else would be happy about it too.
Except of course those brain dead motherfucker DemonRats.
The only time they are happy is when they are making everyone else miserable.
I’m sure everyone else would be happy about it too.
Except of course those brain dead motherfucker DemonRats.
The only time they are happy is when they are making everyone else miserable.
And just how many people make enough that they would be pocketing an extra $30,000? Not me. Since my income is low enough, I don’t pay any income tax. I think those figures are a bit pie in the sky, but what do I know?
The last 3 years I worked the fed govt took 25,000 each year.
I guarantee the states will pick up the slack.
yup. that was the first thing I thought as well. the damn state will just tax us more to make up for the bucks they not getting from Sam.
granted if he can even cut the damn tax in half, that would be something too. anyway, the price of good Irish whisky is high enough that I only get a bottle like once a year as it is.
if they start making it here, well. that would be something else again too. and good 15 year old Scotch is not in my budget anymore.
add a tariff to it and I never be able to afford it again !
used to buy a bottle once a year on my birthday. and yes, I still have a couple of shots left in the last one I bought 2 years ago now.
It could be done but not in a vacuum. Legislation cutting federal money to any state that imposes an income tax greater than 3%, property tax greater than 2% assessed value and sales tax north of 4% would address these concerns. I don’t see it happening but I never thought I’d have a computer and telephone in my pocket either
Here’s a statistic I love. American productivity has increased by 2 percent every year for the last 50 years. Why are we working more and not less. We have become tax slaves/proles.
I have a friend that years ago, working on his CPA, looked at all the taxes we pay, like the fuel tax on the diesel of the truck that delivers your bread. Since we worked at a power plant and were middle class but also very well compensated, our tax total was 70% of our income. The Boingo clip in the middle was one of the best and most reasonable I’ve seen.
Since we get the majority of our gov’t services locally, we should pay taxes to the state. What tax should we pay? We’ve seen how income tax is abused, you never pay enough and you are basically a serf. Land tax is a way of renting my property from the gov’t. Fuel tax I’m for – it can pay for roads. Sales tax on goods -yes, not services. Let people own their own labor. These changes would take a decade or more. Tariffs will raise the prices of a lot of our goods until we start manufacturing our own stuff again. After the power plant I worked for a Fortune 500 company. Another friend did an analysis and showed offshoring was costing us more. We couldn’t admit that, though. Of course we need unions to jealously guard productivity and quality, not be corrupt money sinks like they became and many currently are. Long term, say ten years, this would be a huge win for everyone. However, very important to stop the unending taxation by the government and the financial rape by the big corporations and wall street.
This, of course, requires the gov’t to be pared way down. Based on what we’re hearing from DOGE, 1/3-1/2 of the gov’t budget is waste, fraud, and abuse. Update computer systems to use modern technology. I could probably run the social security system via Excel on a lap top. (That is an exageration, but I’m not a formally trained programmer and did write software to run an 80Million dollar business with national and international offices on a MS Servicer using access.
Imagine what a real programmer could do.)
Social Security was a mistake, but we’ve made it and have to honor it. Can we undo it? Medicare and Medicaid are huge frauds. The whole medical establishment is eating 19% of our GDP. The majority of our healthcare issues are lifestyle. Tax sugar and grain and publish some real science that keeps people healthy.
An article or video from yesterday pointed out that if we go to paper ballots and clean up the social security rolls we may see only 20% democratic voters. You’ll know them, they dye their hair. The point is we can get back to MAGA and not tearing White Christian Nations apart. I.e., Send the illegal immigrants back. Restore education, allow our kids to make good money at trades, and get them trained. We only need about 5% of college graduates, and we can see what colleges become. I’m not sure we can ever trust them again. Elon say AI can do better anyway. When my daughter went to college, most of the colleges seemed to advertise social life and parties, not education.
Enough ranting, Trump and team have a lot of work to do. Their changes will take a long time but will be awesome for our kids and grandkids.
Up until 1913 the country operated just fine on tariffs. It kept fed.gov small, the way it was designed by the Founders.
Leave it to a Demonrat to enslave the citizens via an income tax, similar to one of the things that the revolution was fought over 137 short years before.
Then there’s the Federal Reserve Bank, the main reason we’re $37T in debt. Well that and and the giveaway/theft programs that were voted and approved by the corrupt Houses of CONgress.
We’ve tried the soap box and the ballot box. If CONgressional and Deep State heads don’t roll, that’s people doing at least SERIOUS jail time, over the fraud and theft, there’s only one box left.
Bitch McConnell and Nasty Piglosi are top candidates. They both should actually be tried for treason and the prescribed punishment administered pour encourager des autres. I don’t give a shit that they’re both in ill health. I just hope to see them tried and convicted before they kick it by “natural causes”. Spare me the “cruel and unusual” because of their age boolchit usually spouted by the bleeding heart left.
There also needs to be a Constitutional Amendment for term limits. Three or two terms in the House and two or one in the Senate and NO FEDERAL PENSION for having served.
These career politicians were NEVER intended to form the government of the USA. They’ve been the modern down fall of the country especially in the last 40 years and why there is entrenched fraud and theft voted into every spending bill since forever.
Lobbying the government should also be OUTLAWED. The government is supposed to be OF BY AND FOR The People, not of by and for anyone or entity with enough money to buy a CONgress critter or Senator. That’s how you get Big Pharma legally shielded from lawsuits for injury from the jab, among other travesties foisted on us by FED.GOV. We’re going to find out how many people that actually is, shortly. There shouldn’t be any fraud associated with vaccine injury as there’s a blood test to detect spike protein and how much is circulating.
I originally wrote a whole bunch more, but deleted as I was going off on several tangents.
I suspect there’ll be plenty of opportunities for more opinion as time wears on over the next couple years.
Good thoughts on term limits, but the thing that bugs me is what about the damn staffers that would become the ones with all the knowledge? What to do about them?
That’s an easy one. When their CONgress critter’s term ends they go find a job in the private sector not associated with .gov.
When the criminals are arrested, take away all of their bank accounts and money they have stolen from the U.S. Do not let their pissy families live high on the hog with stolen money. Leave them broke.
When you understand that 80% of the Federal government could be eliminated without affecting anyone’s quality of life then you’ll understand that taxation is completely uneccessary (as well as unconstitutional).
Trillions of dollars have been stolen from the American people.
Dan Bongino as of 2030hrs today 23/2/2025 Deputy Director of the FBI.
I do not understand the concept of raising money through tariffs on goods we export when we are mainly a ‘service economy’ now. We no longer produce anything compared to the level of manufacturing we had here as late as the 1950s-60s. The tariffs on imported goods will increase the price of almost everything we purchase, so an abolishment of income tax would essentially be a break-even for most people.
The tariffs are on IMPORTED goods. Anything manufactured elsewhere and shipped here will get tariffed at the frontier(port or airport). It works the same with goods manufactured here and shipped to a foreign country. The manufacturer pays the tariff at the port of entry.
The problem with all the “free trade” agreements that have been put in place to date is that ALL of the signatory countries have NOT lowered or abolished their tariff schemes on imported U.S. goods. However, these same countries demanded and the U.S.A accepted that tariffs on U.S. goods shipped to their countries remain in effect or they just ignored their own obligations under the treaties and we let them get away with it.
The reason they get away with it is because we have had a whole string of weak or marginally weak presidents going back to Reagan and before him Teddy Roosevelt that allowed these countries to keep their U.S. tariffs in place while demanding and getting removal of our tariffs on their goods.
If that was today, wait till you hear tomorrows news
If that was today, wait till you hear tomorrows news.