It was pointed out to me it is “International Women’s Day.”

So head out the back door and smoke your pipe in celebration. Now that you are celebrated, get back into the kitchen and make me a sammich and grab a beer. After ya’ll get done with your chores then proceed to rub and massage my aching feet until I doze off…

10 thoughts on “It was pointed out to me it is “International Women’s Day.”

  1. The top one I can live with; a good, sturdy woman that can help with the chores, and I bet she can make biscuits.
    The bottom one PROVES Cederq is a nasty, perverted old bastard.

  2. Last one reminds me of the check-out “gal” I saw at Meijers today..

  3. …and that gif of the pig, in human form, is what passes for attractive in some circles these days. YYYuuugggLLLyyy.

    ‘Course I’m no one to criticize with my girth these days.

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