It seems another blog is having problems,

It Ain’t Holy Water seems to have shaken it’s mortal coil… Who I wonder is next?

Update, Leigh heard from Irish and Irish stated it was taken down…

23 thoughts on “It seems another blog is having problems,

    • They have started working on the edges and will push into the meat of the Bell Curve of our Thing. It also seems they don’t care that Normie is awakening to the schemes. Interesting times.

  1. Well dammit. I usually checked there daily, even though posting quantity was fairly low-volume, there were often some decent and unique memes posted. Guess blogspot decided to try and silence another shitlord. Hopefully it re-emerges elsewhere.

  2. I got an email from Chief Nosewetter, as well.
    Goolag claims he violated their TOS regarding “hate speech”. Basically he said something that was too close to the truth and the bastards nuked him for it.
    Remember when Goolag’s motto was, Don’t do evil? They seem to have gotten over that pesky bit of morality.
    Fucking Bastards!

    I’ve been going to It Ain’t Holy Water for almost twenty years. For him to have been pulled to something as spurious as “hate speech” – whatever the fuck THAT is, is absolutely bullshit.

    Whitehall, NY

    • Thanks for the update Leigh. I was hoping someone had personal contacts with the Chief. He had suspended his blog some time back, but resumed after a hiatus.
      A lesson to all is to make sure you have backups for everything on your computer or smartass phone. And look into offshore hosting like Divemedic.

  3. It’s only hate speech when it doesn’t fit in with the leftist narrative…hillary just called President Trump a danger to the planet…how f’ing crazy is that ?

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