It Isn’t Just My Imagination After All

The Wifely Unit tells me that I need to quit worrying so much about shit and that I need to get off the internet more.

Must be nice living in La La Land.

Meanwhile, everywhere I turn I am seeing more shit coming down the pipe.

The price of gas in Europe just went up sixty fucking percent.

I wonder how long before we start seeing shit like this?

Image swiped from Come And Make It. I think those prices were in the local Philippine currency. I hope.

Either way, Sweet Crude hit $112 a barrel earlier today, seven dollar a gallon gas in some places will be following along shortly.

Still beats the shit out of this nonsense though.

All I can say at this point is to keep your eyes open and take advantage of any sales you can find on the things you need.

The Shit Storm is gathering strength.

There is some good news occasionally, Pfizer is having to dump their secrets and it is going to horrify a bunch of dumbass Normies when it all sinks in.

BIDUMB just shit the bed and rolled around in it yesterday so that is keeping his handlers busy trying to spin it all. His approval numbers are on their way to the Waste Treatment Plant as I type.

Chipping away at the stone.

That’s all we can do.

9 thoughts on “It Isn’t Just My Imagination After All

  1. I agree with your wife. I’m just as passionate as you are. Hate, hate, hate seeing MY country getting BOHICA’d.
    But……for my mental health, I have to minimize my views. If I were you…..give yourself some “off the interwebs” time. Go bowling or fishing or see a rodeo.
    Let your mind heal.

  2. I’m going to repeat a comment I’ve made on another blog (it’s mine, I can do that):
    Once again, we have a wonderful lesson in epistemology slapped upside our heads like a cluebat. How do you know what you think you know? And further, why oh why do you WANT to believe that?
    I don’t pay any attention to any “news” directly. I have people who are paid to do that, and a (very) few of them that I trust over something like 50%. The only reason I pay attention to any of this shitshow is that I don’t want to be blindsided or surprised when any of it impacts my local environment directly. As for anything about the Ukes vs. Roosia, there’s nothing that I can believe AT ALL.
    And as for my local environment: Here in the Oregon Outback ™, we’re at the long end of a precarious supply chain for gas. Ours went up another dime last weekend to $4.15. But at least we’re not (yet) Califrutopia stupid about it. We have very limited shopping here (one grocery store, one hardware store, and a decent pharmacy) and any big box shopping is 90 miles away, for which we keep lists. Since the expense of the trips is starting to go up exponentially, such trips for us will become much less frequent.
    We were discussing grocery inflation over dinner last night, and while we have not yet been forced to make any changes in our diet, we can see that down the road. We eat and live pretty frugally already, and are as prepped as we can be for the storage life of supplies. Another old maxim: The most expensive food you buy is food you throw away. So dinner tonight is leftovers, and we’re grateful to have it.

  3. Just filled up yesterday (in the UK) Shell Vpower was £1.67 per litre! I’m sure when I started driving, it was £0.30

  4. Thanks to you and Cederq for doing what you do, along with your daily lives you still are able to pass on some inspiration for us folks in the hinterland. Greatly enjoy lurking your posts. Thanks!

  5. Peter over to BRM quoted your post today, with two others, and added his perspective on the crunch that will be here before 80 % of society knows it. And it will be amusing to listen to them complain and scream “why didn’t anyone tell me!” Should have looked at society and politics for the last 20 years, stupid fucker.

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