15 thoughts on “It is the times we are in… Something ugly this way comes.

    • Ok Pilgrim, up here at the top of the world, or the middle of it depending on your perspective, it was -45F last night. I have to believe that winter is here.

      • Damn!!
        I guess it’s hard to take a piss off the porch, even with your male nurse holding it for you.

        • The irony of a Hudson’s Bay agent injecting himself into a conversation between 2 American free trappers is hilarious.

          Now bugger off boy.

        • From what I’ve read in Jack London and other stories about life/living in Alaska and N. Canada, at 45 below your piss turns into an icicle before it hits the ground. Having never experienced it personally, I don’t know if that’s true or not.

  1. I remember those deep freeze temps and don’t miss them. Down here in south Florida 45 above is deep winter.

    • Agreed there. The Natives go full Alpine Skiwear if it goes below 60 down here in Lee County!

  2. I had one of the Philippinos on Diego Garcia tell me that he once was in 50 degree weather, and thought he was going to freeze to death. When I told him I once was on a missile site in North Dakota at -72 degrees, he thought I was crazy.

    It’s all relative. I will say that -45 is downright brisk.

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