15 thoughts on “It has come to my attention that Glypto Dropem of 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots has a farewell post.

  1. Says the post automatically goes up after two months of not posting or checking in with Blogger, but his last post was 02/13/24, a little over one month before the date of this post. He ranted a little hard on 01/16 about Comrade Misfit, TDS and the Kung Flu…curiouser and curiouser…

  2. I sent him an email.
    If I hear anything back I will absolutely let everyone know.
    It’s off the charts bizarre but I was just thinking about him yesterday.

  3. Google seems to be blocking this site, it says I have to log in to see it because the material is sensitive and not suitable for all.
    If he is shutting down, is it worth starting up an account to log in?

  4. Anyone know what or when was his last update on his X (Twitter) acct.?
    Clicking on his link to it brings up the X page but you have to agree to share your Guuugal info with X to view and I’m not doing that.

  5. You’re getting to be as bad as another guy I know. Telling me to go read or watch something that I need an account for and to sign in. I’m not doing that. Both of you are standing on your heads it seems.

    • Yep. Me too. I won’t sign in to view a blogs contents. Privacy matters. I did enjoy reading his blog before he threw up that roadblock. I do wish him well.

    • Who are talking about? Who has to sign in? Not 75 Million blog. I won’t sign in either or pay to play. What information you want to impart to me unbidden by me, I ain’t buying. Way I figure it, if you want money or my info, it has no value. I am not the product. You are the grifter.

  6. Administrators, the polite thing to do in this situation is to provide a dummy user/pass that [we/us] readers of this post can use.

  7. If you haven’t noticed- he’s back.
    Just got busy.

    As for signing in- all I get is the orange content warning he put up that you have to click on to see his blog.

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