13 thoughts on “It adorns Phil’s tree…

  1. “Take two, they’re small.” I’m definitely relating to this Santa. I’m just not in much of a holiday spirit this year.

      • I appreciate the encouragement. Hope you, and all here who celebrate it, have a good Christmas.

        Mine will be low-key, mostly centered around giving gifts to nieces and nephews, and hanging out with family. I gave the order to stop getting me gifts a few years ago, since I really don’t have a need for much at this stage, and just prefer to spend the day relaxing and having a good meal.

  2. okay, NOW, just where did you buy the “Santa” at ?
    and are you guys really going to send him a pizza ?
    if so, you better have a 6 pack or two to go with it.
    and maybe some of that nicotine gum or patches to help him thru
    his stay there.

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