It derives from Old English, “Odin’s Day” (Wodin – Wodnes), and the contracted pronunciation came about quite a long time ago.
Day names are funny things. And English is a bastard language.
Lots of bastardization in English, which is why it’s such a difficult language to learn!
You bastard, you…
“Park in the driveway and drive in the parkway.”
“Cargo moves in ships and shipments move in cars.”
Your turn…
You can also park in a parkway and drive in a driveway, profound isn’t it?
Now do “library”. If I had a dollar for every “lie-berry” I ever heard…
You’d have enough to climb a tower with a sack full of rifles to take out everyone that says it.
You must be in the South. My wife was a library director in Alabama and 100% of the blacks pronounced it that way.
I’ve had black friends since I was a small child. But they do not use an S on the end of any word but the one that drives me up the proverbial wall is betroom.
It derives from Old English, “Odin’s Day” (Wodin – Wodnes), and the contracted pronunciation came about quite a long time ago.
Day names are funny things. And English is a bastard language.
Lots of bastardization in English, which is why it’s such a difficult language to learn!
You bastard, you…
“Park in the driveway and drive in the parkway.”
“Cargo moves in ships and shipments move in cars.”
Your turn…
You can also park in a parkway and drive in a driveway, profound isn’t it?
Now do “library”. If I had a dollar for every “lie-berry” I ever heard…
You’d have enough to climb a tower with a sack full of rifles to take out everyone that says it.
You must be in the South. My wife was a library director in Alabama and 100% of the blacks pronounced it that way.
I’ve had black friends since I was a small child. But they do not use an S on the end of any word but the one that drives me up the proverbial wall is betroom.