13 thoughts on “Interesting! Have to ask Big Country if this feasible. Can’t stop the signal…

  1. Don’t know about this particular one, but the sliding pipe 12 gauge shotgun works and has been used around the world in guerilla uprisings and criminal gangs. They are currently common in the Favelas(sic) in Brazil.

  2. It’s very doable. Lots of turd-world shotguns are made from pipes. Drill a hole in the end cap for the firing pin which is just a nail held in place by an inner tube rubber band. Unscrew end cap, load, screw in end cap, pull rubber-band back, let go, bang.

    That shown in the picture is mucho upgrade of basic pipe shotgun.

    For a ‘real’ trigger, just attach pipe to a stock and have a notch cut into the stock a tad bit behind the end cap that catches the rubber band. Drill hole down, insert a peg, push peg up and rubber band snaps the nail firing pin and boom. Fancy that up with a lever peg like on a pre-rotating nut crossbow and move lever, peg pushes rubber band and boom.

    You can truly ‘old-school’ the whole thing by using black powder, loading via the muzzle, and using a match or sparky thingy to ignite powder in a touch hole. Or use an electric firing mechanism either by using a glow plug or something like an Estes rocket engine igniter.

    Possibilities are endless, and all of this is pure speculation and riffing on how guns work, not an actual, you know, willingness to do this on my part.

    Seriously, guns haven’t changed that much over the years. And modern pipe is probably at least as safe to use as damascene barrels. Go high-pressure tubing and you are far safer than old black-powder barrels.

    • @Beans – “modern pipe is probably at least as safe”

      Only if it’s not Chinesium.

    • Looked it up. A popular shotgun gauge in gun restricted areas for pest control uses. 55 caliber if you replace the bird shot with a slug.

      More proof a free man is only disarmed if dead or surrendered.

  3. As I recall from seeing articles about this subject, a 12 gauge shell will just fit inside a 3/4 inch Black Iron pipe…

    • Two important words about this:

      I don’t trust ANY pipe that is not ASTM rated.

  4. Just missed a “buyback” here in Tampa… they offered $100 No Questions Asked for -anything- turned in.. Me n Sapper were too busy doing shytte (his first meeting with his first Gran is tomorrow, age 3.2, so we’ve been balls out getting the house ready) But next one? Yeah, a basic slam-fire 12g “shotty” at $100 a throw? I’ll have 5 or 6 to turn in….

  5. I am often amazed at some of the guns that get turned in on these things.
    had a co worker(?) sell his grandma’s Winchester rifle for 100 bucks at a turn in.
    yep, a 1920-30 made, like nib. well oiled and clean. 5 boxes of ammo too.
    he put the money towards a new pair of sneakers. guess the race ?
    he liked to shit himself when I told him he could have gotten a grand for the
    rifle if he had just asked me about selling it as I would have told him where to go.
    lots of people like those old 44-40 rifles. knew a few cops who told stories about
    people turning grandpa war guns they brought back home with them.
    I bet a lot of the better ones got “lost” before going to the scrap pile

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