In the comments. This is what is coming. “Prepare to defend yourselves, Gentleman!”

This from today.

31 thoughts on “In the comments. This is what is coming. “Prepare to defend yourselves, Gentleman!”

  1. They should have gone a half mile down the road to that unattended opening in the fence that guy posted awhile back then we wouldn’t have these staged videos

    • Yup, it’s all theatre.
      We’re being set up for chaos on a grand scale, and TPTB hope there will be a reason for them to postpone the election.

  2. does anyone really think we going to vote thus shit away ?
    and you do not have near enough ammo for thus shit show that is coming to a place near you.
    the clowns in power invited them here. they giving them money and food/shelter
    and medical care all free. well, not free. we going to have to pay the damn bill.
    funny part is, the clowns do not think this will “touch” them ???
    they have to realize that they are pissing off just about 60-80% of the “people”
    who pay taxes and obey the laws. I will be amazed if any of the clowns in power
    are a alive after this show kicks off. and they wonder why people are buying
    guns and ammo like they are and have been for the last 3 years.
    I figure it going to get right sporty by summer in this country.
    so, stock up on food, ammo and medical needs. we going to need/want them.

    • The ONLY recourse I have is my vote.
      To go down there and indiscriminately start shooting is not the answer either.
      Save that energy for after the election. Dont take away my chance to make a difference. After the election, maybe some will be walking the perp walk

      • Wish in one hand,shit in the other. Your vote doesn’t matter , and after the election will be too late.

      • When they ,the ILLEGALS, come busting through your front door , remember to vote.

      • Steve, sadly, I wish our votes did count, but they don’t in a lot of places.  To paraphrase Stalin, “I encourage everyone to vote, because it’s not who votes, but who counts the votes.  A question: do you know who is counting your votes and how your votes are counted?  I have no confidence that my vote is being properly counted in Maricopa County, Arizona, after the stunt that was pulled in 2020.

    • As they proved in the 2020 election “It’s not who votes that counts, It’s who counts the votes.”

      Attributed to Joseph Stalin, although there are a myriad of “opinions” (read Journo’s who don’t know shit from shinola) out there as to whether the attribution is accurate.

      In the meantime, hold … Hold … HOLD
      and keep stackin’ ammo and food.

  3. In my humble opinion…it was staged. Not by the National Gaurd but by the globalists.
    Ya, they could have gone to another hole in the fence or even to a legal crossing. But they didn’t. They chose that one for the optics.
    And once again I ask; what was broken with the legal immigration system?
    What we are seeing is illegal and not an answer to “the broken immigration system”.

    • The “globalists” have been staging this invasion all along. They are the ones, in addition to our own government, that are funding the NGO’s(read Catholic Charities and the like) who are facilitating it.

      No one is WALKING across Mexico from South to North to get to the U.S. border. NO ONE.

      It’s roughly 2170 miles by road or roughly the same distance from Chicago to San Fransisco. That’s just the Mexico part. If they’re starting from Peru, Venezuela or any other S. American country, add another 500 to 1000 miles depending on where they start from. Then, don’t forget the dreaded “Central American jungles” and the “Darien Gap wilderness” that the MSM is trying to make us believe the “the migrants”(read invaders) are traversing “at their peril”. Ever notice that not one of the stories the MSM has written about the invader’s travels ever has a description of how they traverse the Panama canal? Last I checked, the Panama canal effectively splits North and South America with an impassable waterway, unless you’re in a boat or swim. There’s no wading that one.

      Have you seen any thin/emaciated migrants being arrested anywhere along the U.S.Mexican border? No? Ask yourself why. How about all of the “unaccompanied children” that the MSM is trying to pluck out heart strings with? Any of the above mentioned (men,women and children) look like they’ve missed any meals lately or walked off most all of their body fat in their travels?

      Where are they getting the 2500+/- calories a day required to maintain themselves and give them energy for their journey or the 1.5-2 GALLONS of water also required to maintain themselves along ~2200 miles of travel ON FOOT?

      This whole invasion is being planned and executed like a military operation. which requires vast amounts of money, Money, M…O…N…E…Y.

      The key to this is following the money to its sources starting with Catholic Charities. It’ll take a whistle blower or someone like James O’Keffe to ferrit out the money trail, assuming the person wasn’t killed, otherwise disappeared or lawfared out of existence.

      • This ^^^. Exactly Nemo. Excellent synopsis. Husband and son did the Boy Scout philmont hike twice. 100 miles each time. Months of shorter hikes to prepare. Specialized equipment, Jet boils, water treatment tablets, strategically placed food caches. And they both came home thinner.

  4. IF a National Guardsman had started shooting he’d be up on Murder charges right now.
    Unless and until they get an order to stop the invaders at all costs and permission to use deadly force, they would be stupid to do anything.
    You know that if they shoot someone there will be no government official that would have their backs.
    For them it would be a lose-lose situation.

    • Yes, Guardsmen would be under charges. But if they shot enough of them, there would be many who would turn back. And those that kept coming, exterminate the entire fucking lot..

  5. #handrubbingintensifies

    For those of you saying that people “need to be shot” (I am agnostic on this, for legal reasons), who needs to be shot the most? Is it a) these “migrants”; b) those who have engineered and enabled this; c) rural and working-class whites?

    • Excellent question, especially considering that at least the ‘enabling’ part of b.) and c.) are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

    • Who needs to be shot? All of the (word beginning with p and ending in oliticians) enablers who aren’t enforcing or allowing to be enforced current immigration law and are, in fact encouraging the invasion. Then there are those those same word that begins with p etc.,who are not building or allowing to be built, a suitable impenetrable barrier that is defended with auto cannons every quarter mile to discourage breach attempts.

      Of course building such a barrier would be monumentally expensive and would have to be done on both borders, since they’re increasingly infiltrating us from Canada through ME, NH, VT, NYS, WI, ND, MT and WA where there isn’t even a hint of a border currently except for a mowed strip about 50 yards wide in some places and not even that along most of the 5500 odd miles of it.

      Then there are the people that are handing the invaders FREE EVERYTHING once they arrive. Things that people who are born here and have worked all of their existence to build a life and communities here CAN’T GET.

      Then people wonder why there are an increasing number of citizens who are ready to have summary lynching parties and firing squads.

      Remember when the Demonrats made lynching a federal crime a couple years ago? You think that was to protect blacks? Think again.

  6. Wasn’t it FJB that said you’d need F-15s not AR-15s to fight today’s government? If you listen to the senile old fart, he’ll tell you the truth. Just like before his installation he said they’d assembled the best voter fraud organization yet.

  7. The closest thing bing I see to a weapon for the guardsman is the one nearest the camera pulling out their cell phone. They should have been armed, and in formation, or not have been there at all. The time for PR stunts and half measures has ended either ante up or fold.
    Draw a line on the sand, and hold that line, or admit defeat. I don’t see many other options, but I would like to see the finance trail unraveled somebody is paying for this, and the zodiac boats ferried across the Mediterranean, this us not being done in a vacuum.

      • Pure Kabuki, if we as in the government was serious about this the first cross border incursion might get a warning shot, but none of the others.
        Guardsman with no magazines, ammo, or orders other than to block a crowd are just Window dressing. A pair of Humvees with belt fed, M60 for my era would put fear of death into them, form up in squads, fix bayonets, lock and load, advance at a slow pace until the breach is secured. Drop anyone who does anything they are not instructed to do. Either that or go back to the chow hall, settle in and stay out of the way. This decision is not made at the squad, company, or battalion level, no one out there holds that authority, and the ones placing the rules are not in the field.

  8. Nothing in those two posts should surprise anyone that follows this website. Definitely get busy preparing as best you can given time is short and fed fiat currency continues to inflate.

    An ask for those that visit this site. Please take a moment to read this petition:

    And while I question their ability to effect necessary change via the ballot box. I wholeheartedly agree & support their petition regarding the corrupt military leadership. So I have signed their petition in support and I encourage everyone here to sign it as well. If you are concerned about getting put on the corrupt fed bad-guy list, well if you are not already on it, you need step-up and get on it! If we win & restore liberty, it will become the primary patriot list.

    If FUSA doesn’t fall via economic collapse, it will certainly be due to a corrupt fed BS red flag event. In addition to the knuckleheads here & over at the Feral Irishman, one of my long time follows is theDethGuild. The epic post that has inspired me since 2015 is below: We don’t surrender liberty to a lunatic!

    Read it, embrace it, prepare, sign the petition and God willing, we’ll see you American patriots on the other side or at the pearly gates.


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