4 thoughts on “In honor of the sotu speech last night from the empty clown

  1. About 10 more 💩’s should have preceded those if you really think about it

  2. I accidentally tuned in while switching channels right in the middle of a Trump tirade. I almost immediately hit the “back” button when all I could hear was screaming.

    Then I read this morning that he actually threatened the entire Supreme Court “to their face” and spouted numerous lies about the border and the economy all of which was cheered on by Demonrats from both Houses with “Four More Years”.

    If this waste of oxygen is re-installed, the Republic will be dead. It’s already on life support.

    • “If this waste of oxygen is re-installed, the Republic will be dead. It’s already on life support.”
      ^ yep! ^

      Tuned in periodically. Squinty, black, soulless eyes and jacked up on what must be some secret amphetamine that brings the dead to life. I’d like to know what substance they use to give this nearly dead horse the appearance of appearing vigorously alive.

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