5 thoughts on “In Case You Didn’t Already Know This

  1. and flat tip bullets are just better at stopping people/critters.
    a little time spent with a file and it will change how well the bullet does.
    I carry flat tips in my carry guns just for that reason.
    try it out with a 22lr and see the difference !

      • not really. then again. how far away do you shoot critters ?
        I guess at 100 yards or more it might matter.
        BTW, you just flatten the tip. not make in into a wad cutter
        although in wheel guns, they do very well.
        Winchester duty ammo with flat tips in 9mm hit very hard.
        same thing with service grade ammo with flat tips
        I used flat tips on my 9mm, and 45 ACP.
        found that little bit out by reloading ammo with lead heads
        or bullets. both 9mm and 56 seem to make bigger holes in “targets” shall we say than round head bullets did.
        and flat tip 22lr do a job on coons. lot better than standard round nose ones.

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