Feel like I got run over by a truck but I’m Still Kicking.
I’m groggy as hell, hurting am still in ICU
They are supposed to be moving me sometime later today to a regular room
They came up with a change of plans at the last minute and I was spared getting Shishkabobbed across the belly from one side to the other so that is good.
Maybe later I will be able to explain what they did.
Right now I’m doing good just typing this out on my phone
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes.
Aaaand I’m out again.
Great to hear from you yourself Just concentrate on recovery
Best wishes Brother
Get better Phil. Spent some ICU time (six days) – there is a lot of beeping noises going on and blood draws are frequent. Makes getting out sweeter.
Phil, I’m praying for a quick recovery. Thanks for being awesome! Love your stuff, man.
Thanks for keeping us in the loop. 👍
Take care.
“If you find yourself in Hell, keep going.”
— Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Don’t forget to be nice to the staff: they have waaay too much power!
Good to know you’re still with us, but stay off the webz for at least a day, we will still be here, and healing is not a minor concern right now.
Make sure they give you the good stuff. Might as well enjoy the legal high while you can.
Hey you! Glad to see you able to post. Check you later. Sleeeeeeep. That bod has a lot of healing to do.
Thanks for the sitrep Phil!
Outstanding! Take the opportunity to get some rest as best you can while there. I hope you have someone to wait on you once you are home. A tired old man needs his rest even more so after surgery.
Deacon in Louisiana
Good news, and best wishes for the quickest possible recovery (though I know it will take a while).
Get better sooner.
Yeah, you made it through the surgery. Don’t be in a hurry to be kicked out of ICU; they were the best beds in the joint I was in, and the staff will answer the call button lickety-split. Still praying for you, your medical team, and the wifely unit.
Watch yourself. I know someone who went to one of those hospital things and came home with a baby!
Hang in there, buddy!
Drop me a line if I can help….
Take care & sleep well.
So good to hear that things seem to be going better than expected ???
Answered prayers my brother just more answered prayers outstanding. You tough sumbitch
Stay off of the internet, a good belly-laugh could kill you…
We’ll still be here when you get better.
I sure as hell wouldn’t be posting from the ICU a day after. You’re somethin’ else, bud. Thanks for the update, and glad to hear of the improved plan. Hope it gets some blood flowing.
Good to see you posting again and best wishes for a speedy and successful recovery
Congratulations old man! Don’t be groping the nurses butt or looking at her boobies.
I used to joke with other guys under meds and on a pre-surgery gurney like me prior to surgery that we were like a bunch of used cars on the lot, waiting for a mechanic to fix us up for sale.
Hope they laughed at that one!
This is wonderful news. Take it easy for a bit and update us with the results when convenient. SOP for now is patience and rest. The miracle of healing has already begun!
Hang in there!
biden went to a wrestling tournament tonight also, but it was with his mind….
Best wigits, Phl.
Great news. Feel well, heal well and REST. Very important that.
Glad to hear the docs worked their magic, I hope it’s a successful as you and they want. Focus on yourself, Phil, we’ll be here when you’re up and around.
Get better and come back fully energised
All Glory to G-d!
Great news! Sleep as much as you can. It speeds healing as I’m sure you know. More prayers on the way.
Glad to hear you’re not only alive, but neurologically intact. Well, as intact as before anyway. 🤨
Be nice to the nurses and get well soon!
I hope this gets you some relief
I heard nothing but great news in your text. Outstanding!
Congrats on getting your piping revamped successfully.
take care of the recovery first and foremost
hang in there bud!
be nice tooda help!