I’m Home Again

And damn glad to be,

First off, I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers.

There is zero doubt in my mind that they didn’t help, they actually helped immensely as it turned out the surgeons changed their plans at the last minute and it wound up they didn’t have to take the big poker and ram a tunnel from the right to the left side.

That would have doubled my hospital stay and recovery both.

They came up with a plan to go through my left groin with a thin wire up to the blockage, turn the wire somehow and go through between the inner wall and the middle wall of the artery and drop in a stent in front of the blockage, thus bypassing it. They then took the big metal poker and rammed a tunnel down my upper left thigh to just above the knee and installed an artificial artery down to the knee to bypass the blockage I had in my mid thigh on that side.

10 hours of surgery with 2 cardiovascular specialists and 2 units of blood.

Post Op was an absolute nightmare and I can only Thank God that I can’t remember a bunch of it right now.

Freezing, my teeth chattering uncontrollably and I was dying for some water but they wouldn’t give me any for what seemed an eternity.

Mercifully I passed back out several times but I did finally get some ice chips and sips of water while they waited to take me upstairs.

So I have 2, Four inch incisions being held together with some serious staples. I have massive bruising all down the inside of my forearm from all the needles and blood collecting ports. I also have massive bruising around my inner leg and around my waist on the right side and all they did there was stick a wire in to help with the other side. Even my Junk has bruising all over.

My upper, inner left thigh is very swollen and it’s going to be one giant bruise here in a day or two.

But I’m alive and very grateful to be so.

The doctor is very pleased at the increased amount of blood flow all the way to my toes and inner ankle and although it took a few days, that nagging 24/7 ache I had at the outer shin muscle on my left side isn’t there anymore.

This whole thing isn’t some kind of cure all but if I can get around even a little better without being in pain all the time I’ll take it.

I can already see that there is going to be a long rehab and healing process but I’ll take that as it comes.

I am in no way up to speed so posting on my part is going to be sporadic and right now I would personally like to thank CederQ for posting while I was gone and keeping the lights on.

Ya done good buddy.

Thank You.

I will cut it short here, I am still pretty wiped out from all the activity getting out of there and then getting settled back in here at home. The Wifely Unit is all over it so I am going to hit Send and take a nap.

52 thoughts on “I’m Home Again

  1. Phil, it sounds like the procedure so far is working. I’m glad to hear the pain is greatly diminished. Get some much needed rest and glad to hear you are back.

  2. That’s the way. Suck it up and drive on.
    Very happy to hear the news!
    Rest up. There’s still more to be done on this old rock.

  3. Excellent news, and even better to hear the prognosis sounds good based upon the improvement in circulation already noted. Hang in there and let the recovery runs it’s course without trying to overdo it too soon.

  4. Hot damn that’s good news! LOTS of rest is best for healing. Get weller!

  5. It’s good to read your font. Grit your teeth. There is a light at the end of the pain tunnel, you’re about to be better than before. Too bad it doesn’t come with some Six Million Dollar Man accessory. Thanks be to God, the prayers worked and group prayer multiplies that.
    ~ mississloppigarro

  6. Hmmmpppffff. Good to hear, Phil! ๐Ÿ‘

    Of course – that leaves me in charge of the blog until youโ€™re up on your feet again! And – that means thereโ€™ll be some much needed adult supervision going on here! I will make sure that NOTHING unsavoury or off colour gets poosted during your absence!

    This place will be RESPECTFUL again!

  7. Good to hear you’re home and on the mend. Take it easy and sleep as much as you can. Sleep speeds the recovery process.

  8. Welcome back Phil!
    Prayers answered. Glad the surgery went well.
    Less pain is always good.
    Take your time to recover.

  9. good shit!
    continued well wishes & prayer for speedy & full recovery, so you can get back to work & live the rat race to its fullest

  10. Good news all around, thank you for the update. Don’t get too eager for back to work, recovery may take longer than expected.

  11. Glad you got through it all. Now comes the hard part of PT. It is not easy but required as I went through a couple of a mess of surgeries that laid me up for a couple of months and the PT after was hard. So the quicker you can get it the better even if it hurts.

  12. Good to know you’re home, now. Get well mas pronto que quick! I ‘ve had bruises on my junk but it wasn’t from a med procedure.

  13. Surgeries like this are never *as planned*, it’s kinda tough and so they go and do an “as built” as conditions warrant. Sounds like they had some modifications to the original plan, no surprises there. CAT and MRI give the surgeons a road map, but sometimes when you finally get in there things have to be changed due to how the tissue and organs actually *are*. Not an exact science, but a skilled surgeon can go on-the-fly and get a better result. Thus, you – here’s to both of them making the correct calls.
    Recover, we’re pulling for ya.

  14. As someone told me after I beat cancer (and had feeding tube scars and radiation burns to prove it), “Our scars don’t define us, they just tell us where we’ve been.” Hoping you recover, friend.

  15. make sure you take your pain meds. trying to “gut” thru that shit is insane.
    yeah. I done that in the past. trying to keep the pain meds to a little as possible.
    rest when you can as often as you can. let your body mend.
    damn glad to hear you doing “better” although sometimes it might not feel like it.
    don’t push your rehab too fast either. that doesn’t help you as much as you think it might. life will get better in time, just don’t rush it.
    and try to eat something. I found out that was the worse part of it all.
    anything I tried to eat made me feel like I was going to puke. peanut butter and crackers was about the only thing I didn’t feel like puking on (??)
    right now, sleep is you best bet. if you can that is.

  16. SO GLAD to hear that you are back and that you’re on the mend. Bless your wife for taking care of you … that’s got to be a lot like feeding the bear while he’s pissed off. Take life easy for a few Phil and get healed before you jump on anything. Oh yeah, naps are GOOD.

  17. Take the damn time to heal properly. You won’t do yourself any favors by pushing too hard, too early.
    You’ve more than earned the rest…take advantage of it.

  18. Not to get all religious on ya, but it is Lent, he suffered for us, offer yours up to him.
    All the Best
    Do what they tell you to and don’t think you know better.
    Goddammit Charlie is looking down and rooting for you.

  19. You the man, Phil! Glad you’re back home and on the road to recovery. Before you know it you’ll be right as rain!

  20. Major surgery post- op always sucks. Told my wife to video it , said it was
    too bad and deleted it. I remember lots of pain till they drugged me up again. P.S. it gets better.

  21. Great news. Sorry about your junk. Mine swolle up something awful after the hip replacement but eventually it got back to normal and so will yours. Onward thru the fog old buddy. We’re still praying for a speedy recovery.

  22. So grateful things worked out for ya, Phil. No idea who you are or where you live but pretty sure we’re only a few minutes away. English Pit Gun Range ring a bell? Inny hoo, it would be a pleasure to help you in any way.

  23. Ouch… Post-op… always something. Heal well, Sir! Glad to hear they were able to find a “softer easier way”.

    As to rehab and stuff… I gotta wonder how they will gauge success? I mean.. if the expectation is that you to become less “Grumpy” that might not be the best unit of measure.

    But then, they probably already know that.

    Feel better!

  24. Wonderful news. Do that rehab stuff, mkay? Every bit you get to walk is not only a gift for the circulation – it will help hold at bay problems down the road.

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