I’m Down With That

just saw a very good new year’s resolution: Endeavor to survive into 2025.

i like it.


I mean why the fuck not?

I’ve made this far and this year has the potential to be one that stands out in history going down the road.

Might as well try and stick around long enough to see what comes out the other side.

Besides, I have a long list of people that need near constant torment anyway.

Wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone.

10 thoughts on “I’m Down With That

  1. I agree totally. At my advanced age and state of decrepitude I wouldn”t bet on being here next week but I sure want to see how this turns out so I can do a big, loud ” I told you dumb bastards so” !!! —ken

    • I started doing that during the Clinton “administration”. It’s been great fun; my advice is to get started now and avoid the rush!

  2. Pretty Fukkin sad that That is not a joke. I’m almost seventy. My Grampa had a13 stool snack bar in the foyer of an Epps supermarket in Houston. He PROSPERED ,selling burgers, dogs,shakes,fries to customers and employees and bought a country store between Houston and Humble. It had a feed store, too. The dude had it knocked. And today? It’s impossible. They have Stolen our prosperity. The Goddamned treadmill has been increasingly resistive and the angle has been getting steeper for decades.
    It’s bad decision making. It’s intentional. Both parties are the problem.

  3. Oh, yes. The longer we old gits last, the more of the pension fund we paid in we can get back out. That means, I hope, that the fuckwits in “government” will have less to piss up the wall on their fantasy projects like wars, importing third world mouths and doing down this country.

  4. Man, the Batshit Crazy has been on the rise lately. Like they are competing for Say or Do Crazy and Try and Top That !

    I agree with Nolan Parker above. The day the person can start a small Snack Shack and live the rest of their days in peace appear to be gone. But some towns – cities build a space where ‘Roach Coach’ food trailers can band together and have a place where people can go and enjoy whatever catches their eye and wallet. These places have to pay the city to keep their spot, but maybe its less expensive than renting a hole in the wall along the city streets.

    • We had two of those roach coach locations in two towns in my AO back in the 90’s. They had all of the .gov State and local required health inspection licenses. They did a very brisk lunch business, so, of coarse the other local merchants(restaurateurs and fast food joints) complained to the two town councils about their loss of business and the councils BANNED the roach coaches as a “traffic hazard”.

  5. Heinlein wrote back between 1939 and 1950 about the crazy years.

    The Crazy Years, in Heinlein’s timeline, were when rapid changes in technology, together with the disruption those changes caused in mores and economics, caused society to, well, go crazy. They ran from the past couple of decades of the 20th century into the first couple of decades of the 21st.

    Interesting times especially when you add in that the current Regime seems dead set upon destroying America (ala Obummers “Fundamentally CHANGE America, speeches).

    It’s a feature NOT a Bug of THE Party of Chaos PLAN.

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