10 thoughts on “I’m Definitely Seeing A Pattern Here

    • Yeah. It does 185. He lost his license, so now he can’t drive. He’s got a limo, rides in the back. He locks the doors in case he’s attacked.

      Oh, and everything he said is right the fuck on.

    • Clearly, he earned the money himself.
      If the money was given to him by mommy and daddy, his hair would be pink or blue and he would be complaining about Trump.

  1. That, or he stole a headrest..
    Ohh, and You Shaddup!
    We need to All Shaddup!
    Seeing what is happening is not okay.
    I had a shortwave in the shop and was listening all through the primaries as Bernie got more votes,and Hillary got more delegates. EauxMuGawwd,
    I better go Shaddup now. Or else I become another threat to D’mokrucee.

  2. Remember the game Lie, Cheat and Steal? That’s the modern Demonrat party.

    This seemingly sudden shift from Bribem to Cackles has been in place since 1 minute AFTER the debate. They had to get the party luminaries lined up; Obozo, Piglosi, the Clltons and most importantly the major donors. That’s the Lie part.

    Now they’re figuring out the game plan for Cheat and Steal since their assassination attempt failed. They have 104 days to have everything in place by Nov 4th and that’s why they CAN’T HAVE a serious challenge to Kneepads either in the next few days or at the convention.

  3. Another simpler theory is that Biden had planned to drop out for the past couple of months. By waiting until after the convention the GOP would spend a lot of time and money attacking him, not her. And with Harris still his VP candidate, it would influence Trump’s VP pick. Vance would make a good VP but is a shitty candidate because he won’t peel off the few % of women and minority voters Trump needs to win easily.

  4. Subsittute the word “power” every time they say democracy to fully understand what they mean.

  5. He is right. The Dems then expect you will vote for them in the General Election. If I was a Dem an had voted in the primary I would be pissed and never vote for a Dem at any level again.

    To all people voting for Dems – you have been played too many times and you need to wake up.

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