8 thoughts on “If You Know, You Know

  1. There are those you know dear readers that have family members that suffer from autism and it is a difficult burden to bear, but bear we must and we wouldn’t trade that burden for any riches or treasure or prestige. They are our family members and the love is still there. It can be difficult at times and you seem bewildered and life is against you. You still wouldn’t trade any other life for the one you were given in love.

    • Agree with Cederq. My wife and I have a son that will be soon 26 year old autistic man and though there have been some challenges, we wouldn’t want to change him for ‘factory set’ :^) Very insightful, notices things nobody else does and has a memory for birthdays – funeral dates that doesn’t require any written reminders. He’s a great kid.

  2. I can’t tell whether I’m autistic or just a misanthrope good with numbers and patterns.

    I just call myself retarded, my disabilities are courtesy of Uncle Sam. At least titanium doesn’t weigh much.

  3. I have no excuse for being a dumbass, retard, but I do know it’s caused by poison vaxxenes given to babies and children. The Cull Project goes back several decades. Hopefully, the Evil Phuquers will be dealt with by the people, before God deals with them.

  4. Blessings be upon all those associated with a family member with Autism as well as any other malady of similar circumstances. God tests us in many ways.

  5. Everybody has either autism or PTSD any more. I’m tire of it………
    “When she was born in 1968, autism was a diagnosis reserved for children with severe developmental delays.1 Experts believed autism affected only four or five out of every 10,000 children.2

    Ms. Scriven was already an adult when American psychiatrists began expanding the borders of the diagnosis, moving first into the uncharted territory of atypical autism (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified), and later, in 1994, into the milder Asperger’s syndrome.3 As the definition expanded, so did the number of people diagnosed with it. Now one in 68 children has autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.”

    Maybe its correct that creation is continually moving toward disorder.

  6. greggo: The expansion continues. Nowadays the “special needs” department in any secondary school consumes more of the school’s funds than any other. On paper their results are wonderful: in the real world most of them simply tread water while providing salaries for self-styled “experts”

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