If You Ever Wondered About Francis Being The Anti Pope, Wonder No More (Updated)

Pope Francis Orders Humanity to Follow ‘Universal Bishop’ Klaus Schwab During ‘End Times’

Hey Francis,

Fuck straight off to Hell.

Take that fucking demon Klaus with you.


Apparently I got suckered in by my emotions and didn’t bother to look any farther than this story that turns out to be bullshit.

That being the case, I still wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.

13 thoughts on “If You Ever Wondered About Francis Being The Anti Pope, Wonder No More (Updated)

  1. As bad as old Frankie is, this is not believable.

    OTOH, when I was in Lutheran HS, one of the professors made the case that the Pope is the Antichrist. I suppose it depends on whether you think that various Catholic teachings are false doctrine.

    • “The Pope is the Antichrist.”
      Which one(s)?
      There seems to have been many, many of them, and still haven’t gotten the job done.

      • Each of them is, due to their position as the top-dog for the Catholic church. IOW, the office itself.

  2. Many times, outrageous stories that are unbelievable turn out to be true.

    This is not one of them.

  3. I say take the money away that the US gov is giving to catholic charities to give to the Illegals. Fuck the pope and fuck the catholic pedo joe.

  4. As much as this story is likely fake, do not forget that Pope Francis did praise Socialism – a political ideology where people serve and worship the State, and God does not exist.
    I may remain a lapsed Catholic forever.

  5. Just because the story is false, does not mean it is NOT probable.

    El Pope O is a commie piece of shit.

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