12 thoughts on “If This Doesn’t Bring A Tear To Your Eye, You Have No Soul

    • LOL!
      I can be a tool snob myself but I’m getting to the point in my old age that I don’t give a shit who made it as long as it does what I need it to do.
      That being said, I have tossed out four or five of those cheap Harbor Freight 4 inch angle grinders in the last six months because the smoked out early.
      WTF, I buy them on sale for $10.
      If they last two months they paid for themselves.
      I do however, also own a couple DeWalts now because they were on sale.
      They are all made in China now anyway.

  1. I always tried to pay for what I get so not to many of mine smoked. I think my youngest is well over 10 years but I am not an everyday user.

  2. The magic smoke escaped my 25+ year old Ryobi replicating saw this past spring. I opted for a factory refurbished replacement at half of the cost of a new replacement.

  3. Most of my power tools are Makita, both corded and battery powered. None of them, even the 15 year old guys, have died. But we all have to shuffle off this mortal coil (circuit board, resistor, transistor, etc.) eventually. When that time comes the deceased will be thrown in the trash can and a replacement order placed with the appropriate vendor.

    There will be no online eulogies since I have, at one time or another, cursed them all to Hell and beyond. There is no coming back from that!

  4. When a maintenance man dies, all his old power tools come running to welcome him across that Rainbow Bridge.

  5. Maintenance folly. DIE. Tools made to last to make Things that last no longer made.
    Ford ffs! ( ratting us to the popo!)
    my Suburban is hispanic!
    yawn dear?
    I’d buy an AMF hog before a new one?

    how many of our kids/grandkids can relate to any of this?

    Thanks Phil to help Cederq (therefore the rest of us).

    if these are not surely the end times…


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