12 thoughts on “If Phil Was A Racoon

  1. It had the right idea!

    No way would I let a trash panda get that close to me, though! Needle sharp teeth, and all…

  2. Have you seen the video clip of a porcupine in a room(vet’s office??). It was hanging from something and a gal got too close to it, whereupon it did a body whip move and left quills in a forward portion of her upper torso.

  3. She’s looking to get her lip ripped off. Oh well, some folks have to learn the hard way. I’ve been rattlesnake bit, BTW, just so you know that I’m a wise man.

  4. Yep I to was waiting for the lip split. What’s even funnier she was wearing a face diaper and pulled it down to get felt up.

  5. “If Phil was a raccoon”. Well, we all damn well know that if he was, he’d of grabbed even more tittie than that!

  6. Oh sure, raccoon does it & she thinks it’s funny. I play with her titles & cops are called!!!

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